Evening talk

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“Oh really?” I said handing him the piece of raw meat.

                “Ya, the cooked stuff is alright but having it raw is much tastier.” Jerome said taking a bit of his meat. I chuckle at the happy bacca and finish cooking my food. We had a long conversation about what’s life like out in the jungle and what’s it like being in the city. The more Jerome and I talk the more I see the resemblance. The structure they have in the jungle is very similar to the ones we have in civilization. The chief, who was in charge and held all the power in the tribe, then the guards who were like the police, they kept the peace and kept the village safe. Everyone in the village had a job, no matter how small. It seemed like a beautiful place to be, and peaceful. No wars, no technology to destroy anyone or anything. Everything was so simple and the view, from what I’ve heard, is amazing.

                It was getting pretty late, the moon was almost half way up in the sky. “Jerome, you ok to walk?” I ask. No response. I lean down towards his face to hear him lightly breathing. “Silly bacca, falling asleep” I chuckle and pick him up and lay him on my bed. As I was about to get up I feel his fuzzy arms wrap around my waist, preventing me from moving. I try moving his arms gently away to only receive a growl and pull on me tighter. Yes I am gay, but, I never thought I would like being held this close to a bacca. Especially when it was a hot one, well supposedly, I’m just going by what female baccas say about him and what he’s told me. I lay down on the bed beside Jerome and he cuddles up next to me. I pat his fluffy head and turn on my side and fall asleep.


Ok I know its been a while since i last updated this story, heres a quick little bit I just wrote, I'll keep working on more but this is just for now. Hopefully more will be up soon. Alright talk tp you guys later! :)


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