E l e v e n

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She's lying on her side, propped up on one elbow stroking her hand softly across my thigh. My cock stirs, tired yet needy. When she slides her hand across, grazing the hairs of my stomach I catch her fingers in mine. "You're pushing your luck," I smirk.

"I'm good at that." She whispers smiling before entwining her fingers in mine. I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss her fingers gently.

"I've noticed. Now let's get cleaned up before your husband arrives." I say with a sarcastic smile. She rolls her eyes at me before her expression goes serious and she bites her lip. She sits up higher, resting her head on the headboard and peers down at me. Curious.

"You've seriously never had a girlfriend? Not one? Ever?" She sounds amazed.

"No. Not one. Ever. I've had submissives, and a domme. That's it."

"A what?" She frowns.

"A story for another day, come on. We've spent the entire day in bed. We need to get out." The clock on the bedside says 4:45pm. We had literally spent the last three hours fucking. They were the best three hours of living memory, except for maybe last night, but we had things to do. I go to move, but she pulls me back.

"Tell me. Are you saying you were someone's submissive?"

"Yes. That's what I'm saying."

"Who was she? I mean I assume it was a woman?"

My mouth tilts up in amusement. "Of course it was a woman. I was with her for six years." Her mouth all but drops open as her eyes go wide.

"Seriously? Six years? Did you love her?" She stares at me expectantly.

I stop moving and lie back down. Did I love Elena? I cared about her yes. I was thankful for what she did and I owed her a lot. Like I owed Charlie a lot. Charlie and Elena. Two women who had been instrumental in making me who and what I was today. Elena had of course been a lot more physically present than Charlie had. Her instruction during the course of our time together was evident in how I was with my submissives. All fifteen of them.

Charlie instead lived in my memory and my fantasies. She was how I realised what I wanted. She was also the passions I enjoyed and the kind of women I was attracted to.

"No. I didn't love her." In truth, I had no idea what love was. Whether I was even capable of it. "I cared about her. I still do. We're friends."

"Oh," She looks down.

"What?" I tilt her head up, my fingers under her chin.

"I don't know." She shrugs. "Six years is a long time. Longer than I've been with Matt. It's just.. Why did you stay with her if you didn't love her?"

"Dom/Sub relationships are complicated Charlie," I explain.

"I thought they were very simple. I thought everyone knew where they stood?" She smarts.

I raise an eyebrow and smile. "You always were too clever for your own good. But like I say, it's a conversation for another day. We don't have time."

"No," She shakes her head. "We don't." Her eyes burn into me.

I sigh. "You're really taking the job?"

"I really am."

I nod. "Then I guess I have a week to convince you otherwise." I smile.

"You're going back to Seattle tomorrow so I hope your phone sex game is strong." She smirks.

I brush my hand down her face and stroke my thumb across her mouth as I smile. "I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me for the next five days whether you like it or not. I can help you pack." I shrug. She sits up, the sheet dropping from her to expose her perfect, edible breasts.

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