Mom! part two

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Bruce was in his office when Selina entered. "Hello, Selina. What's got you here today?" "I'm worried about Dick, for some reason. I've got this sinking feeling in my stomach, and I can't think why." She played it off. "I've been feeling that way too. Let me call him." Bruce pulled out his phone, right before it started ringing. The caller ID was 911.

He clicked the green button before putting it on speaker. "This is Bruce Wayne." "Mr. Wayne, we regret to inform you that your son, Richard Grayson, has been admitted to Blüdhaven memorial. The police department was attacked today, and he suffered massive injury. He's asked for you and Selina Kyle, so please get here as fast as you can." The phone turned off.

Bruce's and Selina's faces were masks of shock. Selina didn't expect it to be so bad. "When do we need to go?" She asked. "We go now. I'm not waiting if his injuries are as bad as they say." Bruce replied, grabbing whatever he needed.

The ride there was silent. They were both worried about Dick, and Selina was worried that Bruce would find out she'd been there. She didn't need him knowing she'd lied. Bruce, meanwhile, was worried about what had happened. All he'd gotten was that the department was attacked. He got no description of Dick's injuries, and had no idea what to brace himself for.

At the hospital, Bruce went as fast as he could without being weird about it. When he came to Dick's room, he took a deep breath and opened the door. And he almost wished he hadn't.

There was a ventilator tube going down Dick's throat. An IV and blood were being dispensed into his arm. He was pale, and bandages covered his torso, as well as his legs. There was a small square of gauze tapped to his cheek.

Bruce sat down next to the bed and grabbed into Dick's hand. He could've sworn he saw movement, but when he looked again he saw nothing. Selina sat on the other side and held his other hand. She knew she saw movement, but couldn't prove it.

Luckily, Dick could. He groaned as he opened his eyes, wincing at the bright light. He squeezed them shut and let them adjust. "Dick? Can you hear me, Chum?" Bruce asked, giving Dick's hand a quick squeeze. Dick nodded, opening his eyes even more. "I'll go get the doctor." Selina said as she left. Dick started to sit up, but was pushed back down.

"No, Dick. Don't sit up. I don't want you to get injured even more." Dick relaxed, although he looked a little disappointed. Selina and another man came in. He looked over at Dick's charts. "Hello, Dick! I'm about to remove the ventilator tube. Try not to squirm too much." The man said as he put one hand on Dick's chest. He pulled out the tube as fast as he could, causing Dick to whimper.

When it was out, the man wiped the small bit of saliva that came away. He grabbed a breathing mask and placed it on Dick's face. "Just so you know, I'm Dr. Irons. If you need me, just press the button on the bed." Dr. Irons informed Dick before he left. Dick closed his eyes again, the exhaustion starting to overwhelm him. Bruce held onto his hand as he drifted off into sleep.

"Will he be alright? You've known him longer than I have." Selina asked. "He should be. After he gets out, he'll be very sore for a while, but it'll pass. Just give him time to heal." Bruce responded, grabbing Selina's hand. She leaned into him and watched her kitten. Watched him breathe, watched him live. She still felt bad about leaving him.

Bruce and Selina stayed at the hospital that night. They wanted to be there when Dick woke up again, as he was their son. Well, maybe not theirs, but he was still a son to them. Bruce called Superman to take over Gotham, as he didn't want to leave. Superman accepted, and Bruce settled back down. Dick was going to be alright, but for now, he was needed here. And that's where he stayed.

Selina was the same story. She didn't call anyone, as Bruce already had. Besides, her kitten needed her more than a city that didn't accept her. And Bruce needed her as well. He wouldn't admit it, but he was trying to be strong. Strong for Dick, when he woke up again. In reality, he was scared something was going to go wrong, and Dick would end up dying. So Selina stayed with Bruce and her kitten. And that's where she was going to stay.

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