You're what?

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It was supposed to have been a calm night. Dick Grayson and some of the people from work were supposed to have been going out for dinner together, then retiring to their respective homes. Of course, Dick just happened to have the luck of a person who smashed thousands of mirrors.

They'd been kidnapped, and had woken up in a large room with no windows. They were all tied to chairs, any weapons or keys removed. The floor was covered in water, and there were small puddles near the feet of the chairs. Dick could smell a faint metallic tang, and could hear something being scraped together.

"You alright, Rookie?" Amanda asked, pulling on her restraints. "Fine. Where are we?" "Don't know. Got knocked out and nabbed. Woke up here with everyone else unconscious. No one's come in and tried to demand something, or kill us, so I guess that's a plus." "How long do you think ever been here?" "I'd say a few hours, based on the headache I have." "Good assumption."

A door slammed open, making Dick wince. Loud sounds were not his friend at the moment. The others were looking around, trying to find where this person was. Dick figured out pretty quickly when he felt the cool metal of a knife pressed against his neck. "Make a sound, and I'll slit your throat. Nod if you understand." Dick nodded, gulping slightly.

"Get away from him." Amanda growled. "I wouldn't be making any threats, missy. After all, it takes one flick of my wrist, and he's dead. Now, you get one chance, all of you. You get thirty minutes to admit it. There's one person in here who's attractions are...not normal. Thirty minutes, or you're all dead." They slipped out again, Dick trembling as he realized what the kidnapper meant.

"Who's attractions are different than others? What the hell does that mean?" Selina scoffed. "It means they're not straight." Dick muttered, paling slightly. "You alright, Rookie? You're looking a little pale." "I'm fine." "You sure? You look like you're going to be sick." "I'm sure. I'm fine."

Dick was clearly not fine. Amanda understood why, but that didn't make it better. She knew Dick was gay, and that had never stopped her from working with him. He was a good cop, and a good kid. She had never seen him that scared before.

"We need to figure out how to escape." The chief decided, pulling on his cuffs. "Even if we got out, he'd come back for us. He won't stop until he knows who's not straight." "If he knows, he might kill them." "And give everyone else a chance to get out alive." "No one gets left behind."

"Well, this is a very lovely discussion, but you do need to declare it! I'm unlocking your cuffs, but you must stay in the room." The voice came over an intercom, crackling through old speakers. The restraints opened, and the squad™ quickly stood up. Black dots edged Dick's vision, but it passed quickly. He probably had gotten hit in the head.

The squad™ huddled close, talking in whispers. "He's going to come back eventually. We need a plan." "That guy walked around and we didn't even know! How are we supposed to attack someone we can't see?" "Maybe we don't have to attack. We just need to disarm him." "How do you suggest we do that?" "This guy wants to find whoever it straight. Tell him who is, he'll come for them, then the rest can overpower him."

"Fifteen minutes, ladies and gentlemen. Someone better start confessing." Dick sighed. "Well, it's now or never." "What are you doing?" Amanda hissed. "Putting the plan into motion." "Are you crazy?" "No. Just gay."

Dick looked up at the speakers. "I'm the gay you're looking for!" "Excellent. I'll be down in just a minute." "What are you doing? He'll kill you!" "We don't know that. Besides, he can't take seven cops alone, even with weapons." "You're sure about this?" "As sure as I was on my first day." "So, not certain at all." "Pretty much."

The door slammed open, bright lights illuminating the room. Dick stood up, watching as three men entered the room. The others moved slowly, until they were surrounding the three. They paid no attention to the other cops, heading towards Dick. One had cuffs, and another had a pistol.

"You know how long I've been searching for ya?" "I would hope not as long time. Looks like these don't stay hidden long." "Very funny. You're coming with us." "See, I don't think that's going to happen. I happen to have very protective friends. They don't like people getting hurt, but they're not unwilling to throw punches to protect others."

The man laughed. "And what are they going to do when you're already dead? They don't know where you are." "Funny you should say that. They're in the room with us right now." The other officers attacked the two accomplices, knocking them out quickly. The head swiveled his head around, seeing the circle of cops become tighter.

He quickly surrendered. "Well, that was easy." "Yep. Now we just have to get out of here." "I think our friendly kidnapper here would love to show us." "You are insane." "No, I've already told you. I'm just gay."

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