elliot | chapter 2

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The boy flinched at her words, clutching his pliers. He put them down to grab the guitar, holding it up to show the girl. She snatched it from his hands. It was rather difficult to watch, since I already knew what was going on. 

She picked at each string, quickly tuning it to ear. She then played a quick riff, nodding her satisfaction. 

"Good job baby, you didn't mess her up," the girl said mockingly. I flinched, watching the boy beam with pride. He leaned to kiss the girl, but she pulled away, a look of disgust on her lips. They were painted black, to match her dark makeup. She was pretty, but her attitude dulled her whole aura.

"I- I'm sorry," the boy said, rubbing his hands together nervously. The girl rolled her eyes, taking her guitar and leaving. She slammed the door on the way out, knocking a few paintings from the walls.

It was then that I noticed the walls were plastered with similar paintings. They were all signed "Elliot T Lee". The paintings were of sunsets, oceans, all some different kind of scenery. But they was odd, they were almost the opposite of what real sunsets or oceans would look like. Akin to abstract art, but I didn't think that was the intentional message.

I assumed the boy was Elliot, due to the fact that this seemed like his room. He stood, moving to a paint-stained desk. Was this like a therapy to him?

He painted the girl this time, starting with a rough pencil sketch. He colored her with the brightest colors he had, but it was almost like he couldn't tell them apart.

Was he color-blind?

A pair of glasses sat on the desk too, with the brand "color rims" etched into the side. They must be his.

He painted quickly, finishing in less than an hour. By then, the girl had returned to the room. She plugged her guitar into an amp and played. Her music was soft, calming. It was a large contrast to her demeanor, but that was common in people. They used their talents to highlight how they wanted to be seen.

I assumed this girl was Elliot's love. When she broke from playing, she hovered over Elliot's work, occasionally pecking the top of his head. When he finished the painting, she critiqued it, saying it could use less color. If she was his love, he had chosen poorly.

Elliot didn't say anything. He just nodded, his eyes sad. 

"Maybe if you wore the glasses more often?" the girl offered, turning the painting upside down. She obviously had no idea what art was. I loved the piece, it radiated affection from Elliot to the girl. She didn't see that though.

"I don't like them Raine," Elliot sighed, setting his brush down. So her name was Raine. Lucky for Raine, it looked like she'd be taking some of Elliot's soul home with her today. Winner winner.

She rolled her eyes, picking up the glasses and shoving them onto Elliot's face. He flinched, tearing them off almost as soon as they were on.

"Stop Raine, please," he warned, tearing up. Raine laughed, grabbing his face roughly. He cried even harder, clawing at her arm in an attempt to get her off. It didn't affect her, other than leaving some red marks. He wasn't trying to hurt her at all.

"You're lucky I stay with you. No one else will love you but me."

I held back the urge to close my eyes. This was the uglier side of love. Elliot only wanted Raine to adore him like he adored her. He stayed because he loved her.

She left, not taking any of her things along. So she lived here too? Or she just didn't care?

Elliot slumped in his chair, tears staining his face and clothes. He stood, trashing his desk, pushing things to the floor. Paint splattered everywhere. He stomped on the glassed, cracking them into a thousand pieces. Then, he stumbled to his nightstand.

I stood, holding out a hand to stop him. It was useless, this was his fate. I knew that. But I wanted to help him, to make him feel wanted again. He opened the drawer, digging until he pulled out a small bottle. I wished I had seen more, so I could have had some explanation.

But all I had were the past few hours. He opened the bottle. Time slowed, literally. Penny's silky voice filled my head.

"This is where Elliot ends. Collect the rest of the pieces and give them to Raine. Then you'll return," she called out.

Why did it have to be like this? I replied, sighing. Penny didn't respond. I watched Elliot take a handful of the pills. I didn't bother watching the rest. I waited, watching for the shiny shards of what would look like glass. Those would be the pieces of his soul. I knew that as the days went on, things like this would no longer bother me. As a cupid, my emotions left me as time went on. Rookies were always the most emotional, obviously.

I didn't cry.

I just waited, watching the sixty or so pieces clatter to the ground. I had to find every single one, else they fall into the void and get lost. Penelope hadn't told me why that was bad, but I knew it was. I grasped for the pieces, putting them in the bag. There was not a total of pieces that Elliot had. I would know when I found them all.

A click went off in my head, like a mental counter.

I didn't look back at Elliot. I know he deserved some recognition, but I knew it wasn't my job to do that.

Raine was outside, sitting on the stairs that led to Elliot's apartment. She held a smoke in her hand, taking lazy draws every once in a while. I grasped the pouch, not wanting to give any of it to her. But I had to.

I let the pouch sit in her hand, where it dissolved into nothingness. 

I closed my eyes, waiting for the burning pain once more.


A strong start, but it was needed for our cupid's experience. The next one is sad too, as well as basically every single other chapter. Lol.~

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