Chapter 1

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Beep beep beep beep. My eyes shoot open and I look over at my annoying alarm clock on my bedside table. The time reads 7:30 in the morning and I groan. I really hate Mondays. Mondays mean work. Ew. I get out of bed and go to the shower turning the hot water on and let it heat up then go to my closet getting my black shirt and dress pants for work out and put them on the counter by the sink. I undress and step into the shower. The hot water wakes me up instantly and feels great on my skin. After a good half hour of showering I step out feeling squeaky clean and refreshed.

I put my clothes on and blow dry my hair turning into an ugly rats nest of fluff. My hair was so unruly and ridiculous. I get to work using my flat iron and after awhile I finish with my now straight hair and move on to my usual makeup. Purple eyeshadow and a little bit of eyeliner on my waterline with just enough mascara so it looks natural and not clumped like some girls make it. After I was all ready to go I still had an hour to kill so I decided to run to the Barnes and Nobles down the road from my work.

I love to read and Barnes and Nobles books were so affordable. I mostly read romance or fantasy novels but sometimes I pick out stuff from the paranormal section. You could consider me a ghost fanatic. I looked through the paranormal section for a little while but found nothing interesting and started looking at romances. I picked up a book with the very cliche Fabio looking guy on the cover and wrinkled my nose at it.

"Those books bore the life out of me and if you want my opinion they should all be taken off the market." A deep voice said over my shoulder. I jumped slightly startled and turned to face the voice.

He was tall, very tall and well built. His wore a simple black t-shirt that stretched nicely on his muscles. His pants were blue jeans that were well worn and the left knee was ripped but only gave it a more comfortable feel to it. His hair was as black as night but his eyes... oh god his eyes were a piercing blue and gray color with gold flecks by the irises. They were beautiful. His lips were plump and he had high cheekbones. His face was gorgeous, the kind of face that would have a woman weak kneed immediately.

He smiled down at me, his eyes taking in every detail from my clothes to my face and even roaming to my shoes which were black vans. His smile never faded but the way he looked at me was like he expected me to say something. My mind finally registered what he said to me and I felt my face flame from embarrassment.

"Yes, I agree. They are all pretty much the same story line and same ending every time it gets very boring to read after a while." I said quickly and turned around to put the book back on the shelf.

He laughed softly and I fumbled at the sound of it making me accidentally drop the book on the floor. I bent down but the man had already picked it up. "My name is Alex. I'm sorry to bother you but when I seen the way you were looking at the book I just thought I'd come over here to talk to you."

"No, you're not bothering me at all. I'm Janelle." I said and placed my hand out to take the book from him.

"Janelle? Hmm what a beautiful name. I like it." He said, but he ignored my outstretched hand and instead reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "What's you're number Janelle? I'll call you sometime and we can meet up for a coffee date."

I started at this handsome stranger for a few seconds in shock and shook my head at him saying, "I'm sorry but I'm not giving you my number. I don't know you. I just met you. How could you possibly think I'd give you my phone number?"

Was that anger I just seen flicker through his eyes? I mentally shook my head. No, it couldn't have been. But his eyes suddenly didn't seem so friendly and he watched me with the weirdest expression I'd ever seen. Alex took a step towards me, making me step back against the shelf. He put his arms out making a cage around me.

"Now Janelle, this is the one and only time I'm going to say this so please listen very closely. When I say something to you, though it may be phrased like a question, it's not. It is something I want you to follow and do it correctly. I don't like to repeat myself and this will be the only time I forgive you for not understanding. Now again, what is your number Janelle?"

I was in shock. Was this devilish stranger for real? He was obviously crazy. But at the same time I was thinking all of this my body became hyper aware of his presence around me. I could feel his abs on my stomach, his minty breath on my face. I couldn't help the shiver of desire that came over me right then at his demand. He was staring in my eyes and it looked as if he could see my thoughts. He cleared his throat expectantly and pressed in closer.

I blinked but rattled off my number without another thought to what I was doing. He keyed it into his phone and nodded his head at me.

"Good girl. I'll text you when and where we are to meet. Dress nice. Goodbye for now Janelle." He smiled once more Nd turned to leave.

"Wait," I called after him. "I don't have your number. How will I know it's from you?"

"Oh, don't worry pet. You'll know." And with that, he left.

Oh god. I thought to myself. What did you get yourself into now?

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