I woke up the next morning ready to get the day over with. I didn't really feel like going to meet up with Alex. But I knew I had to. Ugh.
I took my time getting ready and by the time I was finished it was a quarter past noon. I was a half hour late but I didn't care. I grabbed my car keys and headed out to my car humming a Brittany Spears song off key. About fifteen minutes later I pulled into the Starbucks. I stayed in my car for a few minutes trying to prepare myself for this. After I felt like I couldn't procrastinate any longer I turned off the ignition and got out.
I walked in the Starbucks and went straight to the counter not bothering to look for Alex. He was there, I could feel his eyes on my back. I ordered a Caramel Machiato and a blueberry muffin. It was as I was waiting for my order that Alex came up to me.
"You're late Janelle. I told you to meet me here at noon, and it is now twelve fifty five. I don't like to be kept waiting." He whispered in my ear. I shivered at the sound of his voice but didn't turn to look at him.
"Yeah? Well, I don't like being told what to do. So I guess we learned something about each other huh?" I said.
I lady gave me my muffin and drink and I paid her. I finally turned to Alex who was watching me with a grin on his face. His smile was beautiful and his teeth were pearly white. I frowned and moved around him muttering under my breath about how it was a shame that such a good looking man was so arrogant and rude. I picked a table at the far side of the place so we could talk in privacy. But it was also right next to an exit giving me an opportunity for a fast exit if need be.
He sat down opposite of me and watched me with interest as I began to pick off parts of my muffin and eat it. I got annoyed with him watching me and glared at him saying, "What? You know, it's very rude to stare."
He chuckled and said, "I guess it is. My apologies Janelle, it's just that you seem to be more focused on your food than you are in having a conversation with me."
"That's because I am. I don't like bossy guys and what you said to me last night was very disrespectful. I don't know what you get with other girls nor do I care but I don't appreciate being talked to like I'm just some piece of meat."
He seemed to consider this for a few minutes and I watched as his expression changed from anger, to curiosity, to awe. He nodded as if he was agreeing to something in his head then he turned his full attention on me and started talking.
"I apologize for the rudeness and for being so disrespectful with you but it seems that I want to keep you as mine. It's very hard for me to control myself, and I often get what I want and am not used to women rejecting me. So you must understand, that for you to be a challenge is actually very fun for me."
I started at him. What he was saying wasn't making any sense to me. What did he mean that he want to make me his? I'm not a toy or play thing that he can claim. What the hell is wrong with this guy? I continued to stare at him while I pondered what he said to me.
"Janelle, please stop looking at me like that. It's unsettling to say the least." He said making me jump. I looked away quickly, embarrassed that I had just complained to him about staring yet here I was doing the same thing just moments later.
"I'm sorry. It's just that... well... I'm so confused right now. What do you mean that you want to make me yours? And I can see why you don't get rejected a lot but don't think that just because you're good looking I'm going to immediately swoon and drool all over myself for you."
"Hmm. So I'm guessing you haven't had much experience with Dom/Sub relationships? And you think I'm good looking do you?" He asked chuckling and giving me another smile.
I could feel myself blushing but I answered his question, "No, I can't say I have. Although I have heard a little bit about it." I said refusing to answer the last part of his question.
He reached his hands over the table and grabbed mine which were now nervously picking at a napkin and tearing it up. I looked up at him and gasped at the expression on his face. It was one of kindness. It made him look more like a young boy than a grown man. It looked good on him.
"Please Janelle. I know we only just met, but I would love for you to be my Sub and me your Dom. Please. At least let us test it, for only a month. After a month, if you are unhappy then we can end it and we won't have to see each other again. BDSM is not just about kinky sex. Yes that is some aspect of it, but not all of it. It's also a way for you to escape normal life and give up control to someone else. It's about trust. Let me have control. Let me take care of you, and show you things that will have you begging for more."
I was scared at the thought of what would happen if I said no. Would he walk out of my life? This morning I was so ready for him to be gone, but now? I'm not sure that I want him to leave. He stayed quiet while I thought, his eyes never leaving my face. His hands were still holding mine. They were warm and strong. I searched his eyes, looking for something that would tell me if this was a trick or something. All I got was hope, and desperation.
Finally I sighed and said, "One month. I'll give it a month. If I don't like it, then we stop."
He laughed and squeezed my hands and then he pulled something out from his shirt. It was a bunch of papers stacked neatly on top of each other. I recognized it as a contract. But what did he have a contract for?
"Sign this. Otherwise we won't be able to proceed with the agreement." Was all he said as he handed me a pen and pointed to a line that had the word Signature in bold ink.
Oh shit.
Cliffhanger!!! Will she sign it? What do you think? Again I apologize for the short chapter. I'm still trying to have things in order for the up coming chapters. What do you think so far?

I'll be Yours.
RomanceJanelle meets a handsome stranger at the book store and soon. discovers that there is more to him than his good looks. She is sucked in to the fabulous world of BDSM. Will it be too much for her to handle? Or will she surrender unto him fall head ov...