Chapter one

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It was a normal  day  at AU and all the students  were coming  back from winter break .

Uraraka pov

It's been 4 months  seems Izuku and I started  dating  and I'm having the time of my life. 

No ones p.o.v
Iida try to get everyone  in class 1A to sit in their  seats  before  Mr Aizawa came in .
"Now class we will have a test in 2 day so start studying  and don't  wake me up from my nap " said Mr. Aizawa and then he went in to his sleeping bag.

" Hey Deku want to study  with me ?" Uraraka asked
Deku was muttering  to him self about something and didn't hear uraraka .
"Izuku ?" Said  Uraraka
"Oh hey  Uraraka
"Are you okay you've been  muttering  to  yourself  for the last  56 minutes are you - then Deku cut her off .

"  I'm just thinking  about  something  important  , nothing  to  worry  about and I need to talk to you about something  after school so meet me at the entrance,  and sure I'll  study  with you " said Deku kissing Urarakas cheek .

Ok Izuku  you have to tell her you dont have  feelings  for  her any more after  school no pushing  it off this time, Deku thought  to him self  .

"Ok Deku I'll meet you at the front tr entrance  after school  now time to study " said uraraka  clapping  her hands.
"OI Round face stop being so fucking  loud " yelled Bakugo.
"Oh sorry  Bakugo kun "said uraraka
"Tch whatever  " said Bakugo .
Shit dont  tell me I'm falling for the damn nerds girl  bakugo  thought to himself.

Todoroki  was watching  the whole  thing .
I hope uraraka  is ok after Izuku  breaks  up with her but what if she thinks  he dumped  her to be  with  me  what will she think of him being gay  todoroki  thought to himself and then he pushed  his desk . The whole  class looked at him with concern even deku .

Then Deku rushed  over to todoroki  .
"Shoto are you ok why did you hit your desk " asked Deku with a concerned  look.
" I'm fine midoriya  I was just thinking  about  something  " said todoroki
"Okay " said Deku with a smile.
Then deku went back to his seat .

Skip time   to after class and lunch

Time for hero training said Iida
  "Cool " said Deku
Now  teams
Iida with minta
Uraraka  with momo
Deku with Todoroki
Bakugo with kirishima
Then Almight  went  there what the rest of the class  team was .
First Iida and Minta
  Then Bakugo and Kirishima
Then Uraraka and Momo
Finally midoriya and Todoroki
After th gen 3 groups went it was Finally  Deku and Shotos turns
Where is young midoriya and  todoroki asked Almight
I'll go find them said uraraka.
Todoroki  and Deku where in the  waiting  area having a mini make out session  .
"Deku " called uraraka
Then uraraka  went into the  waiting  room  and saw Todoroki  on top of Deku kissing  me .
Then Deku  noticed  that  his girlfriend  was standing  in front  of  him and Todoroki. 
"Shoto urarakas here "said Deku  sitting  up .
The. Todoroki  look  over to see Uraraka  standing  there with tears forming  in her eyes.
"Uraraka  listen I can explain "? Said Deku
"Ok go on you damn cheater " said uraraka
"I was going to tell you today uraraka baby "said Deku
"Dont you ever call  baby or anything  besides  uraraka ok cheating batured "yelled uraraka.
"Uraraka  listen to Midoriya please " said todoroki
"Hell no why would  I your the one he cheat on with me yelled  uraraka. 
"Uraraka  I'm gay and I thought  I liked  you  and I died for awhile  but I lost the feeling said Deku
Oh ok then answer this how  long have  you  two been  together asked  uraraka  crying .
"3 months " said Deku
"You never loved me " yelled  uraraka.
One thing they didn't know was bakugo was on outside  the  waiting  room  looked  for uraraka  and saw and heard everything.  Then heated uraraka  running out of the room so he ran to the closet  a hined.
" ochako yelled Deku trying  to  go after her but then was stopped  by  todoroki  putting  his hand on his shoulder  and  saying  let her go .
Then Deku and todoroki  did whatever  Almight wanted them to do . Uraraka  ran to her dorm and Bakugo  came out of the closet and join the rest of class 1A .

See ya  later peeps


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