Dare To Kiss

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Sam Drake x Reader

  Tonight was the night that Sam and Sully were coming over to Nathan and Elena's house. Since you worked for Elena, she always invited you over because you two become good friends and you did with Nathan as well, even though he was your boss.  You got yourself dressed and put on light makeup. You put on a large, oversized sweater that hung off your shoulder with black leggings and grey converse. Your hair was long and wavy but still looked nice. You smiled to yourself when you read the text.
"Hey baby, am I seeing you tonight?"

" Yes. Looking forward to seeing you".

You headed over to Nathan and Elena's house, where they greeted you and were happy to see you. "Need some help?", you said to Elena as she was trying to bend over but since Elena was pregnant, it was hard for her to do things. "Yes,please! You are a saviour", Elena said to you as you gathered up plates, forks,spoons, knifes and among other things as well.
" I have to say (Y/N), you look really pretty tonight. Is there a particular reason?", Elena said as she gave you a gentle smile.  "No, not really", You said, trying to hide your smile. Elena smiled and said," You got dressed up because Sam is coming over!". She sounded so excited and happy at the same time. " Oh my god, no I'm not!", you said as you looked at her. You saw the smirk on her face and you knew she was right.

" Come on (Y/N), you and have have good chemistry and you two could be good together. I see the way he looks at you and how he smiles or how he will make you laugh with his horrible jokes. Talk about a powercouple..", Elena said as she kept her gentle eyes on you. You laughed for a second and said,"I don't think it would happen between us but I know you have good intentions". Elena just smiled and heard the door and Nathan welcoming Sully and Sam back home.

You were just humming to yourself as you set out plates, napkins, appliances and glasses. When you turned around, you looked up to see a familiar face with a grin on his face. "You know, I had an incredible view from back here", Sam said, as he smiled and opened his arms. You smiled back and hugged him tightly. " How was the trip? You look good by the way", You said as you pulled away from Sam. Sam had on a black tank top, which hugged his torso a bit with a demin shirt over it and jeans and black nikes. " Baby, I always look good and the trip was incredible! Oh and I got you something", Sam said as he kept his eyes on you. You smiled and got excited as he pulled out the box and put it in front of you.

When you opened the box,  it was a blue jem that appeared to be a necklace. You looked at him and smiled. " Sam, this is gorgeous. Where the hell did you find this?", you said to Sam as you held the necklace in your hand. He smiled and said," I found this in the middle of the jungle in Peru. I found it in a hidden temple and I thought that you had to have it". You chuckled and asked,"Can you help me put it on?". He nodded as you turned around and you held your hair up.  His hands made you shiver and you wondered what he his hands could ever to you. Once he put the necklace on, you turned towards him and said," How does it look?".

" Gorgeous, baby", Sam said as he winked at you. Minutes later, Nathan,Elena and Sully came outside with food and you all started eating. The sunset looked beautiful from outside and there were lights that surrounded the porch. Dinner was well and it was incredible hearing about Sam and Sully's trip. Laughs and smiles surrounded the table. Sully had fallen asleep in the spare bedroom at Nate and Elena's house. You,Sam, Nathan and Elena were in the living room and just talking and laughing.  Sam sat close to you and had a blanket around the both of you. He wrapped one arm around you. You felt so safe next to Sam. The scent of his cologne make him sexy but what were you kidding? He always looked sexy.

Elena smiled then got up and said," Ok, let's play a game. The game is see how long you can kiss. Nate and I will go first and you will time us. Then Sam and (Y/N) will go". Elena smirked and Nathan got close to her. Nate smiled and said," Just watch and learn". Sam laughed and nodded. Nathan cupped Elena's face and kissed her softly. Elena softly cupped his face then lead into his hair as Nathan held Elena softly by her waist. Nate couldn't do much because of the fact that Elena was pregnant but he was so gentle with her and kept Elena close to him. You smiled as Sam looked at you and winked. Nathan and Elena pulled away from each other and smiled. " 3 minutes", Sam said with a chuckle. Nathan chuckled and said,"What?! Well it was nice". You and Sam chuckled until Elena said,"Ok! It's your turn". Sam grunted as he got up and he held out his hand for you to take.

When Sam looked at you, it felt like your heart was gonna jump out of your chest. His hand glided over your waist as you stepped close to him. He lowered his head to reach your lips and brushed his lips agaisnt yours. You cupped his face and he pressed his lips up against yours. Sam tightened his grip around your waist and pulled you close to his body. His hands wondered your body as you kissed him. The kiss was sweet and passionate. He hugged you tightly as you cupped his face. You didn't want this to end. Only minutes later, you two pulled away from each other but Sam kept his arms around you.

Nate whistles and says,"Wow! That was one hell of a kiss. And you beat us. 5 minutes".  You smiled and so did Sam. Nathan and Elena went to go lay down because Elena was very tired.

You say on the couch with Sam amd he says," I would do anything to kiss you again". You smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. He cupped the side of your face and smiled. The rest of that night, Sam held you in his arms and you two just talked about life and next adventures.


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