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You had just come home from work when you looked on the floor and saw roses. You smiled and followed the roses which let to the balony of your house and there was Nathan. He turned around with a smile. You said,"Honey, what is all this?". Nathan giggled. Nathan stood on his one knee and said," (Y/N), I have been wanting to ask you this for awhile now but I wanted to wait for the right time to ask. I want you to be apart of my life and I want us to go on more adventures together. Will you marry me?". You let out a couple tears and said," Yes!". Nathan smiled and got up to hugged you. He put the ring on your finger and kissed you. You cupped his face and kissed him back.


You walked into a room and it was filled with lights and pictures of you and Sam. You smiled and looked at the first picture when you and Sam had gone on your first date. You smiled when you saw the drawing of your first kiss with Sam. His kisses were always gentle and passionate. You looked at the others until one picture caught your eye. It was a drawing of Sam kneeling down with a box in his hand. You turned out to see Sam kneeling down infront of you. You covered your mouth with your hands and let out tears as he began to speak. "(Y/N), I have never met anyone like you before. You are beautiful,brave,funny, adventurous and my best friend. I want to be with you for the rest of our lives. (Y/N), Will you marry me?",Sam said with a smile and saw you nod. You jumped into his arms and he kissed you passionately before putting the ring on your finger.


Rafe had folded your eyes and guided you to a dinner table. Once Rafe had taken off the blindfold, you saw everything that was on the table and balcony. There were flowers spread out throughout the floor and table. There were also candles set out and light up as well. Everything looked so beautiful. "Honey, is there something special I don't know about or-", You said when Rafe pulled you in for a quick kiss then he got down on his knee. "(Y/N), I have asked your parents for their blessing and I knew that I wanted us to be together for the rest of our lives. (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me?". You covered your face and nodded as you let out happy tears. Rafe gives the biggest smile from his face and hugs you tightly. You smile as he puts the ring on your hand and kisses you passionately.

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