Investigation Part 1

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*I'm writing this on a smart phone. 

Seven figures were in a room conversing with each other over something of great importance. What could be so important you may ask. Nothing mattered to them more than their lover..Jaune. However they grew concerned over their lover over the last couple of months. He started to slowly stop eating and started to spend more and more time in his room. It got worse considering that his eyes slowly stopped shining and that he hardly spoke anymore.

"What could be ailing Jaune?" Asked Greed. He was wearing a black jacket with no shirt underneath along with black pants with a chain hanging in the left side. He had black hair that was combed to the back of his head.  He also had black bracelets on his wrists and a couple scars near his chocolate brown eyes. Not to mention he has a couple of tattoos on his body. 

"We don't know Greed. That's what this meeting is about." Said Wrath. He has blue hair that was styled to the back like Greed. He has cold blue eyes with green markings around the eyes. He also had a piece of bone that is sticking to the left side of his face. It should also be mentioned that he has also shirtless and was currently wearing white pants.

"We better do something soon. I..I mean we cannot stand to see him like this." Lust said. Unlike the others, Lust had two wings on his back along with two horns on his head. He had brown slighted eyes and red hair. He has a collar on his neck that has a symbol in the middle along with two sets of armor that covers the bottom half of his arm. He is shirtless and is currently wearing brown pants.

"I know Lust. It hurts it see our Lover waste away. However it may have to deal with something at the Academy." Said Envy. He was shirtless with a tattoo on his bicep. He has blue hair and is currently wearing blue ripped up jeans.

"Maybe." Pride mused. Like Lust, He has a set of wings on his back along with two sets of horns on his head.He is currently shirtless and wearing armor that covers everything except the torso and blood red pants. He has yellow slinted eyes and has scars on Random parts of their body.

The Five stopped their conversation when the last two of their group got into the room. They silently sat down with angry expressions on their faces.

"So What did you guys figure out?" Gluttony Asked. He has blood red hair with a red tattoo on his  left arm. He also has yellow eyes and is wearing a black vest. Unlike the others, Gluttony is wearing a white shirt with blue pants.

"Yeah. We need to know what is going on so we can kick their butts for causing Jaune pain." Sloth said. He has two horns on his head with blond hair. He has blue eyes and a black tank top along with two bracelets on his arms. He is also wearing blue pants.

"Lust says it could be related to the Academy so...How about one of his secretly follow Jaune tomorrow?" Wrath Said. After a couple of hours, Envy was chosen to go since he's the one who would keep there cool under most situations.

The seven rose and started to go towards their shared bedroom. They each surrounding the sleeping Jaune and started to sleep. Unaware that the information that will come from Envy's recon will make them angry.

Author Note:

How is the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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