Yang's Punishment

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Yang Xiao Long was walking down the market place of Vale looking for some cookies for her precious sister, Ruby. Ruby who currently sulking over....That traitor. The traitor that should've been kicked out and placed in jail for faking his way into Beacon. However the grandmaster decided to keep that faker around just to prove that he had "potential". Please...The faker has as much potential as someone who suffered multiple injuries at the hands of the Grimm.

"When I see him again..." Yang started before someone bumped into her.

"Hey!! Aren't you going to apologize to me?" Yang yelled. However the person who bumped into her was long gone making her huff in disappointment. 

"Great. That's just fucking great. First I'm thinking of that faker and now some guy bumped into me." Yang muttered to herself. She kept walking until she noticed Jaune in the crowd making her smirk. 

"Hey!! Where do you think you're going?" Yang Asked. Jaune had a confused look on his face which angered her to no end which made her hit him....

Hard. As his body went flying towards a car, she spotted another Jaune walking on the street.

"Oi!! Vomit Boy..How did you get over there?" Yang Asked before she punched the second Jaune and kicked him outside the building. When she was done..She turned around and saw some other Jaune's in the crowd making her eyes turn red and her hair flare up.

"More Vomit Boy's. Just my luck." Yang Said before she started to send a ton of dust everywhere unaware of the Seven Prince's watching her from afar.

"Wow...Normally a person would think something is going on before fighting, but it seems like she's convinced that Jaune somehow managed to multiple himself." Lust said.

"Well...She's not exactly normal. She's the daughter of Raven Branwen, who is the leader of a band of bandits. She prices herself on not ending up like her mother and has a no bullying policy which is ironic considering the fact that she's bullying Jaune with no problem." Greed Said.

"She will keep going like this for 5 more minutes. The spell I used will make her keep seeing Jaune everywhere. Be lucky that I didn't use the long version of the spell or more people will become hurt or even killed by her own hands." Wrath Said.

"Look...Here comes Ruby." Gluttony pointed out.

Going back to the action, an alarmed Ruby was making her way to Vale after hearing that an insane Blonde was beating up people...some of which are dead. She knew that it had to be her sister...The only thought in her head was..Why? Why was she doing this?

When Ruby arrived, she noticed a lot of injured people laying around and saw some people that have long passed on by her sister's hands. Ruby covered her mouth in shock and carefully walked through..trying to see where her sister was. When she found her...She was punching a man repeatedly on the face.

"Yang...What's going on?" Ruby yelled. Yang turned around and instead of being surprised gave Ruby a glare then dropped the man she was punching. 

"Oh Great..Another Jaune. Oh well...Guess it's time to beat another one to a pulp." Yang Said before she rushed Ruby. Ruby could barely dodge the attack and fell on her right side and looked behind her scared.

"Yang...What are you talking about I'm not Jaune." Ruby Said.

"Likely story. But it doesn't matter...You shouldn't have been allowed to keep going at Beacon. You should have been arrested and jailed for being the faker that you are." Yang Said before she picked up a large piece of debris and threw it at Ruby. Luckily...Ruby managed to avoid the debris however her left leg got caught under it which made Ruby scream in pain.

"Now it's time to finish it." Yang Said as she walked over ready to destroy "Jaune". Ruby started to cry and awaited her fate..There was no avoiding this and now she's as good as dead. When Yang approached, She quickly started to get her left hand ready to punch Ruby before the spell wore off.

"Now Vomit B..Ruby? What are you doing here?" Yang Asked before she lifted up the debris that trapped Ruby. When she went to touch her... Ruby flinched and looked at Yang with fear in her eyes.

Before Yang could question it, someone hit the back of her head making her go unconscious. She was the first of the multiple victims in the next coming months ahead.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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