Chapter 5: Intimate moments (Smut-ish scene)

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As you slide Kyu's shirt off, you run your hands along his smooth, clean skin, he's so beautiful. You begin to feel slightly self-conscious and anxious about yourself, how is he going to react to your body? Your anxiety is beginning to get obvious and Kyu picks up on it "Look at me (Y/N)..." he lifts up your chin slightly, just enough until your eyes lock contact "You're beautiful, so don't feel so self-conscious about your body, okay?" with just words he makes you melt, you build up the confidence in yourself and continue the intimate moment, he slips off your shirt and kisses your neck, you let out a small moan as he travels down to your neckbone, then the rest of your torso. In the moment, he lifts you up off the sofa locked in a kiss, and carries you to bedroom, he slowly lies you down onto the bed still linked by the kiss, he takes off his trousers and pants to put a condom on, this is the beginning of your love making.

He's now inside you, every minute of it is sheer bliss, tossing and turning, moaning and groaning, it's never felt so good before. As the erotic moment goes on, you feel your orgasm coming on and let out a screaming moan, you both collapse beside each other "Oh my...that was..." Kyu pants exhausted, he takes your hand and kisses the back of it "I think you need some rest, (Y/N), you look really tired cutie..." he carries you and lies you on the bed and carefully lifts the duvet onto you "Get some sleep, gorgeous." he plants a kiss upon your cheek and you slowly fall asleep.


"Honey,wake up...It's lunchtime!" you're gently woken up by the gorgeous man "Oh...hey, I really slept for that long? Woah..." Kyu giggles at your sleepy voice "I got you some water, muffin." he hands you the glass and you take a sip "Thank you Kyu, I don't believe anyone has treated me as good as you have." "Well then, they obviously don't know how to treat a lovely lady like yourself..." your cheeks go bright pink "Ehehe...thank you Kyuyuhn, I-uh...I." "I love you too (Y/N)..." Kyu takes the words out of your mouth, knowing that you're quite shy when it comes to saying the three special words.

Your conversation is interupted by a text ringtone "Hey Mamacita!" it's a text from none other than your Mother, because you was clever enough to put Mamacita as the textone for her, you click on the text and it reads:

"Hey honey! How's the man friend? ;) Call me when you can, miss you!xxx"

You roll your eyes at the text "I love my Mum a lot and all but, she just called you my man friend..." Kyu and you burst out laughing at the embarrassing text "Kyu, in all seriousness, I probably need to go home for a little while, just to talk to my Mum and things..." "Oh yeah...that's fine, do what you gotta do bubby." Kyu appears to be fine with it, but inside you don't want to leave him, so you suggest an idea that may or may not get a yes answer "Idea! Why don't you come and meet her with me? I've already met your Mum so..." "I would absolutely love to meet your Omma! Gosh, I hope she likes me..." Kyu is looking slightly nervous about the idea "She will love you, don't you worry cutie." his face lights up and you set out to see your Mum.

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