Chapter 1

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Tsubasa: Yashamaru told us to gather in the conference room because he had something big to talk about related to B-PROJECT......

Yuuta: I wonder what Yashamaru will tell us~!

Hikaru: Maybe we're performing in a huge music event!? Like a festival!

Haruhi: I want to sing like bam on an outdoor stage!

Akane: Yeah yeah! A performance that feels like pow would be nice!

Miroku: Are bam and pow supposed to be feelings?

Haruhi: Well Bam is just pow! Okay, we can make it babam.

Miroku: You're not explaining it at all.

Ryuuji: Hey Tsubasa, did you hear anything about today's talk?

Tsubasa: No, I wasn't notified of anything......

Tomohisa: Keeping it a secret from even Tsubasa probably means it's something really big.

Yuduki: Something big......

Tatsuhiro: I can't think of anything but a new song release.

Mikado: Ba-dump! That makes my heart burn! A harmony with the 14 of us would be exceptional.

Momotarou: I also like the feeling when everyone's voices become one.

Goshi: I can't get enough of the feeling of success when we're done.

Kento: Personally, I'd want to appear in a movie or photo album.

Kazuna: Fufu, that's just like you, Kento.

Yuta: I want to do it all!

Ryuuji: ......Hey, don't you think we're getting our hopes up for Saku-chan's talk?
Well, I understand the feeling though.

Tsubasa: Everyone seems to be expecting something big......
Yashamaru-san, I think you'll show up soon, but what exactly will you announce to us?


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