Chapter 3

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Momotarou: B-PROJECT First Solo Live, huh......

Yuta: That's just......! It's a super super suuuper great thing!!!

Goshi: Shut up. Stop saying that over and over.

Yuta: It's not enough no matter how many times I say it! Gochin, aren't you happy~?

Kento: He's probably jumping up and down inside? Like yay yay.

Goshi: Hey, Aizome! Don't say such stupid things.

Kazuna: I'm glad for our first solo live, but at the same time, I'm also worried about it.

Yuduki: Yes. The live theme is "love".

Tatsuhiro: "Love" is just too deep......

Mikado: Well, it is Yashamaru-san, after all.

Hikaru: Seems like he'd say something like "BPRO's love can change the world!"!

Momotarou: Yeah, I can see it.

Kazuna: Fufu, that's true.

Tatsuhiro: Hah...... Think about it individually, what should we do?

Tomohisa: There's still 3 months until the live, so we probably have 2 months before our combined lessons with all 14 members start.

Akane: That's usually how it goes.

Tomohisa: Then during these 2 months, we'll have to each discover the answer to "love".

Yuta: Then should we do it by our groups? THRIVE thinking about "love".

Ryuuji: Well, alone or by groups is fine, right? We were told to do it individually.

Haruhi: Even if I'm told to interpret "love", I can't think of anything! Ugh, now I'm stressed......

Miroku: You're not going to say something like bam or pow again, right?

Haruhi: Ehh!? I can't even do thumpthump kyakya!?

Miroku: You definitely can't do that.

Yuduki: If you did that, other people wouldn't understand it.

Haruhi: No way~!

Akane: You don't have to necessarily come up with an answer by yourself, let's work together and think up of something!

Haruhi: Akane~! Thanks~!

Hikaru: Umm, what should we do? Honestly, even if I'm told love, I can't pinpoint it exactly.

Kazuna: Then, let's also come up with an answer as a group.

Mikado: Let's do that. Having various opinions is good.

Yuta: Hey, hey, what about us? Should we think as 3?

Goshi: Ah? It's better to think of something like this ourselves.

Kento: I feel the same. I feel like Goshi and I wouldn't think of love the same way.

Yuta: Ehh~! Everyone else is doing it together! Let's think about it together~!

Ryuuji: Tomo, what should we do?

Tomohisa: I think Ryuuji and I have the same way of thinking, so we can probably come up with an answer individually and as a group.

Ryuuji: Hey, you're going to decide that before hearing my opinion even though you don't know how different my answer could be?

Tomohisa: Fufu, I'm sure it'll be fine.

Tsubasa: There's 3 months before BPRO First Solo Live, but before that, everyone will discover the answer to "love" before the combined lessons......


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