19- Flames and Breezes

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Chapter 19: Flames and Breezes.


I woke up abruptly, pain searing through my entire body. I could hear shouts and cries outside of my dorm room and I frowned, quickly pushing myself out of my bed. I swayed slightly due to the sleeping potion which was probably still in my system.

I looked around my room and saw how my chandelier was still trembling slightly. The cracks were still there on my mirror and the glass from the broken window was scattered across the floor. I put on my shoes and walked towards the window—or whatever was left of it. I looked out and my eyes widened as I saw the chaos that had started while I was sound asleep.

The professors were creating a barrier around the school, trying to fend off all the death eaters who were ready to march into Hogwarts. Ready for war.

I rushed out of my room, all grogginess replaced by panic and fear.

Outside my room, first and second year students were being rushed into the Great Hall by the house prefects. All other students were running in the opposite direction, preparing themselves to fight. Yells of confusion and panic surrounded me.

I tried to step out of the way of the crowd, not letting them touch my bare skin by accident.

I ducked into an empty hallway, waiting for the students to pass. I hissed when the pain intensified. My eyes widened as I looked around.

The objects around me started trembling slightly. The empty picture frames shook slightly and there was a ripping noise as the tapestry on the wall tore in half. My eyes moved to the fire torches lines across the walls and I noticed how the flames started moving at an abnormal pace, flickering and hissing.

I looked into a mirror on the wall and noticed how the shadows were curling around my neck, some even moving upwards and spreading under the skin of my face. Shadows wrapped themselves around my arms like ropes. Blank ink moved under my skin, slowly occupying every inch of my skin and leaving only a little space where you could see my pale skin.

For a second the pain vanished, replaced with a cold feeling, as if someone had dumped a bucket
of ice cold water over me. My eyes fluttered close on their own and I heard a hissing noise.

A noise so low, I could barely hear it.

All other noises were blocked out. The hissing continued and my eyes snapped open. I looked around, pulling out my wand and pointing it at random objects.

The cold feeling disappeared and the pain came back, worse than before. I felt tears prickled my eyes and placed my hands on either side of my head, pressing it tightly in hopes that it would provide some type of relief.

The hissing continued but this time I swear I heard proper words. I looked around, more frantic than before.

I tried to say something but as soon as I opened my mouth, the dark tendril like shadow wrapped around my neck tightened, a sharp pain going through the upper half of my body.

The flames started moving much faster and I eyed them carefully. They continued taking abnormal shapes.

And then they went out.

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