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The boys decided to check out the dark room. They just went in without any fear. Jaehyun would do anything for you. He just loved you so much... even though you kissed Doyoung...

"John? Got your gun out?",Taeyong hyung whispered.
"Yeah. Take yours out too."

"That scream definitely belongs to (Y/n). I'm sure we just found her. Let's just beat these assholes up.", Jaehyun said and they went in another room.

Slowly they peeked in.
"What are they doing with my (y/n)?!", Jaehyun whispered-screamed.
"Shhht Jae. We're gonna fight them in

"Hey bitch! What are you doing there with my girl?", Jaehyun said and stabbed Jackson while Johnny was fighting Jaebum and Taeyong untied me from the chair.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:
"Are you okay, (y/n)?",Taeyong asked me softly.
"Yeah but I just have a...bad headache",I said and rubbed my forehead.

"We're gonna go out of this place and we're gonna go back to the dorm. You are coming with us! We need to take care of you.",He said.

"Thank you. I'm okay though.",I said and coughed.

"Yeah sure.",Taeyong said sarcastically.


Johnny and Jaehyun we're finished fighting Jackson and Jaebum. I don't know if they are okay but I actually don't even care.

My head hurts so bad ugh
What is wrong with me?

We were almost arriving the dorm but then...

My vision got all black.
"Hello??...(Y/n)?...Are you there?",was all I could hear.
Jaehyun's P.O.V.:
I am so scared that I'll lose (y/n)...
I hope nothing that bad happened to her.
She's still sleeping I guess because she's not awake.

{Author's note}
I'm sorry that I didn't upload in years.
But here you go.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫|𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧 𝐍𝐂𝐓Where stories live. Discover now