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- Love is multilayered, convoluted and as imperfect as all other human emotions – Twinkle Khanna 

There was a comforting silence in the beach....calm....composed and in control it was! Yeah, I need to be in control.....Tipsy control of my emotions....a moment of silence prevails in....things that word couldn't express, tranquility did....Mr. Khanna deserves to know...she muffled....fluttering her fingers around her tummy....a warm feeling grasps her mind....she exudes a heavy sigh!

Karan stares at the's been almost a month they last talked...last saw each other....Tipsy left the house soon after the anniversary party incident...and he is stuck that moment only....he looks back at the mirror....he did not drink since the last couple of days...why would he? He used to drink because he felt that those bit of alcohol was keeping him alive...and now...he has lost the urge to live!

Tipsy is staying at her friend's place....Ved...her old college friend....who she recently met in a medical chamber.....she went there to get some medical tests done....Ved works as a psychological consultant....She did not want to bother Shery or Vishal....and she couldn't go back to seemed more easier to her to stay numb than explaining everything to Amma! And this is how she ended up being a paying guest at Ved's place which is not really seem to be a practical solution to her problem anymore! She gives a thought about her own actions...she always kept running away...she flew to Europe...did it solve her Issues? No! Talking only could fix her issues with Karan! And then again, she ran away from the party, and now she's is literally tired of running away....drained both mentally and physically! Why did she do so? Maybe because it seemed to be an easy option, but now she realizes that easy options always deteriorate things further! 

Somewhere...she feels guilty...the guilt of burying a truth inside....and as it says that the force of truth is unbelievably outrageous....the truth that she's bearing their child....actually, she wanted to surprise him....soon after the anniversary party! The term 'surprise' caught her attention...wasn't it something that triggered the gun? She just wanted him to regain his confidence...that the producer still wants to do a film with the Karan Khanna....but that bothered Karan....that she lied to him....she knew that Karan was in a vulnerable stage of mind...still, she hid the truth from him at the cost of their, again....she wanted to surprise Karan with the news of her pregnancy...and was looking for a perfect moment to reveal the news to him...did it actually matter the moment being perfect? The news itself would make the moment perfect...isn't it? What she could understand is truth should be revealed the way it is...with no layer of surprise and no layer of lie....

Karan keeps strolling in the room....their room....that displays their favorite moments each and every corner....though he was stumbling a little....he could walk on his feet again....wasn't it Tipsy who made this possible? Wasn't it her endeavor to make him stand on his feet all over again? He just buried himself under the booze....Tipsy was the only decent scent there...why does it always happen that once the problem is solved, we always tend to blame the one who actually solved it? Strange human traits huh!

When a realization comes, it shall come both way...just like the way love felt.....unaware of each other's feeling, both Karan and Tipsy realized that they had to and find a way to solve the mess of their life!

Karan, through Vishal finally reaches Tipsy....all his way to Tipsy's place, he kept hesitating...what he would say to her? Only a sorry? Would it suffice? No, it shouldn't! But the moment he saw her, he realized that he needs to do idea how, but he have to do this! There was a twinkle in her eyes...seeing him...though she looked visibly weary, there was a surpassed joy within...the moment she saw him, she just wanted to go near him...and hug Kung Fu Panda....but she composed herself.....looked away with a straight face! It happens with us...many times nah?....that when we see the person in front of us....we recognize even more how much we deserve from that relationship...just more than the accusation, doubt and insecurities! Karan just wanted to wrap her into his arms....wanted to fill the two steps distance between them....but she took a step back....he entered the flat...mumbling "Tipsy....I am sorry"! 

Sorry?? Sorry for what Mr. Khanna? For...for humiliating! Tipsy, a second chance is all we deserve.....Tipsy.....Second chance? You know what Mr. Khanna, what we deserve...comes our way....we don't need to beg for it! Karan sprints around her.....Tipsy, a second chance....i will earn! I can do anything for it! She glares back....ANYTHING? Are you sure, Mr. Khanna? YES, I AM! 

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