The "Non-Stop" Challenge!

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So, this is called the Non-Stop Challenge. How it works is you pick a prompt of some sort. My prompt was: "Stumble upon meaning in the deep dark", you can interpret that anyway you want. Once you have that, start a timer and write non-stop, (literally, as soon as you pause, the challenge is over) for as long as you can. I managed 15 minutes. Here's what I came up with:

3, 2, 1, GO!!

The leaves crunched under my feet as I swiftly walked through the chilling woods. Rocks and sticks sprung up in the hope of tripping me. I spin around when I feel something grab my shoulder, only to discover a spiny, dead branch has snagged my jacket. After untangling myself I continue through the bushes and trees. The freezing air is painful to breath and my muscles ache from having to travel such a long distance. I only left town a short while ago, but it feels like the woods have already consumed me and I am utterly buried in a tangle of sticks and branches. While trying my best to avoid roots of trees that have grown across the dirt floor, I stumble upon a small clearing. Quietly sitting in the middle of this space is a small, log cabin. I hesitate, but slowly tip-toe up the creaky steps to the old, oak door. I push it slightly, and it swings wide open. This cabin looks very much abandoned. A bed with a torn mattress is flipped on its side, pots, pans and broken dishes litter the floor and the windows are shattered, giving no protection from the elements. I survey the scene with curiosity, taking in all there is to see. In the corner I spot a small, dusty cabinet. I step over some broken glass and blow off the dust. It contains 3 draws. The first two are empty, but after a bit of pulling and struggling I manage to open the third draw. Inside is a small, tin box. I carefully lift it out and place it on the floor. There is a small inscription on the side: "Have vos usque in sempiternum Cordis Mei", whatever that means. Being more curious than fearful, I slowly lift off the top of the box. Inside is a small, beating heart. It doesn't do much, except provide a steady rhythm. I look at the inscription once again: "Have vos usque in sempiternum Cordis Mei", I still don't understand it, but I feel it has meaning. Letting curiosity get the best of me, I gently reach down and pick up the heart. It's very precious. Suddenly a light bulb drops from the ceiling, It gives me such a fright that I throw my hands in the air and stumble backwards. The heart hits the ground and shatters along with the lightbulb. I cup my hands over my mouth and stand still for a moment. After a long pause, I kneel down and begin to pick up the pieces and place them gently back in the box. My eyes travel back to the inscription, it has changed: "Forever You Have My Heart". Surely, this must mean something.

This was a really fun challenge, but also difficult. (I am aware there is no paragraphs and possibly some spelling errors, but I wanted to leave it exactly as it was)

Thanks so much for reading! :D

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