Chapter III

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The girls all settle down at a nearby café. As the others get food and drinks Jisoo finds a quiet corner to sit down and thinks back to the short time she and Jennie had on top of the Eifel tower.

About how when Jennie held her hand her heart had almost exploded, and when her warm arms were around her it was the safest place in the world, and moreover her beautiful smile that left men dead at it's beauty. She couldn't take it anymore and opened Irene's contact.

Let's do it

I knew you would come around


What's your plan?

When are you free?

I'm at a café at the moment

I'm free after that

Sweet let's go on a date

what... 😖

I'm just messing with you

I know you're commited...

yeah, I'll pick you up in 10

See you

Jisoo puts down her phone and behinds it lies a curious Jennie. "Who were you texting?" She asks with her head tilted slightly to the side.

"It's Irene," Jisoo tried to respond as casually as possible, "she's coming to pick me up later." This piqued Jennie's interest.

"Um.. why is she picking you up? I didn't know you guys w-were close *cough* close f-friends," Jennie asked, she was nervous about Irene and Jisoo together but thankfully Jisoo didn't really notice. Jennie takes a sip of her coffee to ease her embarassment.

"She's um.. supposed to be taking me on a date," Jisoo explained realizing her mistake after blurting out the sentence. Jennie spit out her coffee and the hot beverage flew out everywhere on the table and some even got on Jisoo's arm.

Jisoo cried out as she rushed to grab tissues to wipe of the burning substance. Jennie apologised profusely but still managed to ask,"YOU GUYS ARE DATING?"

Jennie couldn't mask her surprise and could only barely hide her jealousy. How could she have dated Irene and not told me about it.

"Oh no no no, it's more of like a friend date," Jisoo explained with an awkward smile. Jennie silently sighed in relief hearing this but her jealousy hadn't faded.

"Can I join you guys?" Jennie asked.

"Join who?" Lisa asked as she and Rosé came back with a tray full of coffees, "Jisoo here is your hot choco."

"Thanks Lisa. Jennie was just asking if she could join me and Irene later on our da— I mean... when we hang out later." Hearing Jisoo almost say "date" made Jennie think their relationship was a little more than "just friends".

"So can I?" Jennie impatiently asked. Jisoo was quietly taken aback at the reaction Jennie was giving her.

"Why is she so eager to join?" Jisoo thought to herself.

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