Chapter 2

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Two years later Harry got famous, and he's in a band called one direction. They didn't win the x-factor but they won everyone's hearts. Lydia and Harry don't talk as much as they did on his first tour.

During Harry's first tour they talked nonstop, they texted, called, skyped, everything to communicate, then it all stopped when he went on his second tour. The calls became less frequent, the Skype calls stopped, the texting stopped until everything just stopped completely.

Right now, Lydia is going to the mall, for a new outfit for New years eve. When she parked her car she got out and was almost tramples by fans, and papperazis, asking her questions.

Harry and Lydia basically broke up with out the argument or the crying, even though Lydia cried so hard and long when realization hit her.

She walked straight inside and straight to the store. She saw girls wearing one direction shirts. This is going to be a long day, She thought.

After she bought things she went to Claire's to get a necklace to compleat her outfit. She walked in and what makes your beautiful was playing. She let out a loud groan and walked to the necklaces.

She looked around the store after she found her necklace, she saw one direction things like c.ds, shirts, jewelry, phone cases, posters the lot.

She sighed knowing she can't get away from from this, she's famous because of harry, she can't get away from anything, her privacy is no more.

She paid for the necklace and a new phone case and she left the mall, she took a few pictures with fans. On her way out and texted her best friend stella, stella has been her best friend for a really long time and is very protective of Lydia. Her phone vibrated in her hand and she opened the message.

I'm coming over, cant wait for tomorrow's party.

She typed back quickly.

Me to... sleepover?


She put her phone away and Exited the mall.

"Were you texting harry?" A girl asked I looked over at a girl.

"No." I shook my head she frowned and nodded. I got into my car and drove home.

After the drive home, Lydia got home, and stella and her boyfriend Jake were in her house, watching the Telly.

"Hey Lyd. " Stella said smiling. Lydia set her bags down and smiled.

"Hi." She smiled.

"Me and jake want to take you out tonight." Stella said.

"Where to?" Lydia asked.

"The cafe." She said, the café was a small one that no one really goes too but is so beautiful and underrated.

"Ok." Lydia said sitting down next to Jake. They watched the telly untill it was dark and Stella stood up.

"Let's go." She said pulling Jake up, and Jake pulled me up. Lydia put her uggs on and a jacket and the scarf. They got into the car and drove to the cafe.

Once they got to the cafe. It was dainty but very comfy and homey. They ordered hot chocolate and sat at the booth. Jake and Stella started dating a year ago, after Lydia introduced them.

Lydia was looking inside of the mug of the steaming hot chocolate when she heard the camera click and a flash go off. Lydia looked up quickly and stared at Stella.

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