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The door was opened faster than lighten making Jimins mouth open. Tears streaming down her face as she ran out not bother by how Jimin was listening to the whole thing. Before looking up at Namjoon who was clearly very fustrated.

"Fuck" he groaned out as he placed his hand on his face, looking up a bit. Jimin just wanted to escape. Run away. Hide like a baby, but he knew he couldn't. The other running his fingers through his now messy hair.

"Namjoon" Jimin said in a soft tone before walking into the other office. Namjoon turned in the direction of the voice. Relieved that it was just Jimin. "I finished the contract just like you asked me to." He said as he sat it on his desk before looking at him with his hands behind his back head looking down as if he was waiting for the other to direct him.

"Okay you can go for today" he said as he was turned around towards his window, thinking to himself about what had happened. With a hum Jimin turned to walk out the door just to go back to his own office.
"Then a boy with luv" Jimin sung as he walked down street with his headphones in his ear. The breeze from the cars driving past made him feel chill. Jimin walked into his apartment complex, grabbing his key out of his bag.

Inserting it into the door he turned out and pushed it open. For once his home look decent. Normally he would have clothes and other things skatter through out his house, but he spent his time cleaning it into it's right manner.

"Aish what a long day" he said as he plopped down on his couch and began to take off his shirt before grabbing then waistband if his pants pull then down to leave him on in his boxer.

He reached for the remote turning on his TV to find anything interesting that would occupy time. Looking through the channels he was deep in thoughts on what had happened.

'I'm the cause of this.' he thought over and over again as the sad voice of Soona ran through his head. 'It's my fault' he said as he ran his fingers through his hair. He wanted to end it with Namjoon. Regretting even starting this with him, but he knew Namjoon would never allow it

Jimin would probably be bouncing on Namjoon's cock as he bucked his hips into the his prostate. Jimin would be such a fucking mess and that's the way Namjoon like it. He would claim Jimin right there. Making him scream his name so he knew that he was Namjoon's whore and only his.

A slight sigh left Jimins lips as he clicked on a show he recently was watching. It had the famous actor Kim Seokjin. He smiled at the screen display the Seokjin and a few other actors he was fimilar with. He stared interested into the screen as Seokjin and one of the other actors were on a sex seen.

Jimin bite his lip at the intense seen knowing the two of them were going to sleep together soon. With a yawn Jimin wrapped his covers around his body and laid back on the crouch. His eyes a but heavily as he slightly closed them. He had such a long day. Soon we was snoring softly and dreaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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