"Who are you." Drew asked carefully.
"Cole." He said coldly.
She carefully turned to see him, and she saw him. She saw him.....she saw Cole, every bit of him that she lost. She screamed a shrill scream of terror and loss.
Drew rushed over to her. "Are you okay?"
Cole pushed him away, saying "Stay away from her." then turned to Angie and asked quietly "Who are you?"
Through the tears and sobs she barely answered a weak "Angie....Cole, I'm your wife Angie. Don't you remember me...its only been a couple of hours since you died. Wait you died why are you here...."
"I don't have a wife, i don't think. I didn't die, or else i wouldn't be here. I hit my head or fell. All i remember was a loud crash and a thump on the back of my head and then its was all black. When i woke up i was in the woods. I watched you run and fall and pass out and I saw him hovering over you." he explained. "Who are you anyways?"
"I'm Drew.....the guy that hovers over people. Duh...." he said with a sarcastic remark.
"Cole, please don't leave me again." She desperatly tried to stand to face him but her torso felt heavy and her stomach hurt.
"Im sorry but i dont belong with you if i dont even know who you are. Its not fair." he tried to say something else but she interuppted him.
"Cole, im finally pregnant. After 5 years of trying im pregnant. I never got to tell you because of your job. Im 9 months pregnant.The baby is due in about a week. I need you to be by my side when she comes. We both need you now more than ever..........who was in the room with you when i went for my walk?"
"I have no idea. It was creepy looking and it had fangs. But not fangs like pretty boy Drew over there...and it was on the short side." he explained.
"I thought you died......there was a heart on our bed. I thought it was you."
After a while of sitting in silence something in the forest moved. They moved fast to get out of the woods. But not fast enough. The sun was coming up and every ray of light that touched Angie would burn her skin if exposed for too long. They were too slow. By time they got back to the house Angie was burnt all over. Her heart had stopped. I take that back. Her heart couldnt stop if there was no heart to be there. There was just a big hole where her heart should have been.
Then she sat up and had a mean twisted look on her face. Then she screamed. It was a scream that was not human. Right then and there she was going to have the baby. There was no holding it in to get to the hospital.
"Get her out of me!" She said with sweat over her forehead. She was in so much pain she could not talk. She could barely even breath. After about an hour she had finished delivering that baby....but she was not alive. She wasnt breathing and they knew they had to do something quick, but what?