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Tris and Rhianne's Engagement Party

June 10th, 2021

Ash's P.O.V

I sigh and look about, Rhianne's favourite drink in my hand as I sip on it slowly. I watch as Andie and Connor laugh together, smiling happily, Rhianne and Tristan loving each other up, James and Kirstie happily married. And then there's me, the person stood at the bar with a Mimosa and absolutely no fucks to give. I spot him in the corner of my eye, as if it were a 6th sense. I push my back from the bar and walk over to Rhianne's Parents, hugging the two softly as they congratulate me for my EP.

"Hey, come on now, it's Rhianne's engagement party."~Ash. I know how much Louisa hates Tristan, she thinks that he's not getting enough money to provide for her daughter, whereas Kai loves him.

"I just don't want her to make a mistake."~Louisa

"Louisa he's an amazing lad, I promise you. He's kind, sweet, and sure as hell will look and provide for your Rhianne. She loves him a lot."~Ash

"You're so sweet Mickey, how come you've not got a boyfriend yet?"~Louisa

"Oh, no reason."~I say as Brad walks past, clearly hearing what I'd said. He takes a conversation with Tris' friend as I continue to talk with Louisa.

"Awh, it's such a shame, you'd be perfect for anyone."~Louisa

"I mean, the last guy I was with didn't exactly want anyone to know and made me feel insecure about my anxiety."~Ash

"What an asshole."~Kai

"If I ever meet this guy remind me to mess him up a bit."~Ryan, Rhianne's older brother says and I laugh.

"Oh, I sure will."~Ash. I feel someone tap my shoulder as I turn around and see those gorgeous brown curls, those eyes that could capture you in a split second, and that clenched jaw I've missed for the past year.

"Can I talk to you?"~Brad

"Oh, hello Bradley."~Louisa smiles as he smiles back.

"Hello, Mrs Carrington."~Brad replies.

"Go on Mickey, we'll still be here when you're back."~Ryan says and I nod. I look at Brad as he walks and I follow.

"What the hell was that?"~Brad

"What are you talking about?"~Ash

"Telling Rhianne's parents that I made you feel insecure."~Brad

"Uhm, I was telling the truth actually. I'm still not done not wanting to talk to you by the way."~I say and begin to walk off but he grabs my wrist.

"I wanted to apologise to you actually."~Brad.

"Go ahead."~Ash

"I'm so fucking sorry for saying that to you if I knew it would've cost me the most important thing in my life I would've never had even started the argument in the first place. I'm proud of you for releasing Always In Between, you're doing so well and I'm so mad at myself for not being a part of it."~Brad says and instantly goes quiet afterwards.

"What took you so long to say it?"~I ask and he bites his lip.

"I didn't think you'd want to talk to me the first time I went too, and then every other time I've tried."~Brad

"Why did you lash out at me in the first place?"~Ash

"I was in a really fucked up mood, I didn't want to leave you again because of how happy you seemed when we were together for those weeks, I took it out on you when I know I shouldn't have."~Brad

"I guess I accept you're apology then, but this doesn't mean I can go back to the way it was."~Ash

"I know, I kind of gathered it wouldn't."~Brad says and I smile softly.

"I'm gonna go find Rhianne if you wanna join."~Ash


"I forgot you're the maid of honour."~Connor

"Very happy to be."~I smile as Tris walks over with a very drunk Rhianne.

"Rhianne Jesus girl."~Andie says as she cuddles into Connor's side. I begin to tear up at the though of being single as I down the rest of my drink.

"Shit Mickey, that was 3/4 full."~James

"Fuck, I needed it."~I say as I'm handed another. I down that in one as the 7 of them look at me concerned.


"Mickey, hey."~Brad walks over to me as I lean one way.

"Helloooo."~I drag the word out as he sighs.

"You're drunk aren't you?"~Brad

"What? Nooo."~Ash

"Walk in a straight line."~He states as I push myself off the wall and begin to walk in a straight line. I end up tripping and falling into Brad's grip as he stands me back up properly.

"I'm taking you home okay? It's not safe for you to be walking home like this."~Brad

"No! I'm fine I promise."~Ash

"Ashton c'mon."~Brad says and takes my hand in his. I follow him carefully, trying not to lose my balance, as he helps me into the passenger seat of his car.

"It finally hit me today."~Ash

"What did?"~Brad

"That we're not together. Like every time I saw couples I just wanted to cry, I just wanted you back so badly."~Ash

"Ash you're drunk, you won't remember this tomorrow."~Brad

"I've got superpowers, I always remember what I say when I'm drunk."~Ash

"Let's just talk in the morning yeah?"~Brad states as we arrive at his home.



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