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Lazy Day

November 20th, 2021

Ash's P.O.V

"It's fucking freezing! Shut that damn window!"~I hear Rhianne screech as someone else starts to argue back. Brad groans, rolling over, stretching his arm over me as I cuddle further into him. A sigh escapes my lips as I get out of bed and go to the hallway.

"It's 6 am, stop fucking arguing and go back to sleep will you!"~I call as Rhi and Andie look at me before going back into their rooms. I hear someone make a hissing sound, to sound like a cat, as I roll my eyes and go back to bed.

"Hey Princess, you okay?"~Brad

"Yeah, just sick of everyone being so damn loud at this time in the morning."~Ash

"Awhhh, come back to bed I'm cold."~He says and I laugh.

"You should film a YouTube video today."~Brad

"What about?"~Ash

"Let's do the good old Boyfriend Tag."~Brad

"You're cringey."~Ash

"Pleaseeeeee."~He pouts at me as I roll my eyes. As he was going to respond, my phone started ringing on the bedside table so I walked over to answer it.


"Ashton, it's really urgent."~I hear Tyler panting as I furrow my eyebrows.

"Ty what's up?"~Ash

"I'm here in New York with Dad, we were gonna visit as a surprise. But he found out something he shouldn't have and walked away, I'm lost."~Tyler

"Shit, where about's are you?"~I ask, grabbing my car keys. I peck Bradley on the lips quickly before sliding on some shoes and walking out.

"Wait-where are you going?!"~Brad

"I'm stood in front of Trump Tower. It's really cold Ash."~Tyler

"Stay on the phone, I'm gonna drive to you."~I say and get to the ground floor of our building. I go down two more sets of stairs to the Garage's, seeing my car sitting there peacefully as I jump in and start the engine.

"I don't know where he is Ash, it's really cold."~My 16-year-old sister says very upset as my heart aches.

"I'm on my way Ty."~Ash

After a few turns, traffic lights and a few random honks of the horn, I pull up outside of Trump Tower and get out. I put Tyler's stuff in the back of the car before getting back in the driver's seat.

"Want to tell me what he found out or?"~Ash

"Please don't hate me Ashton, you're the only one who can get really mad about this."~Tyler

"Tyler Jane."~Ash

"I'm pregnant."~Tyler

"What?!"~I screech and she cowers instantly.

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