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eden - lost//found
i met the devil in the hills last night
i was driving by myself, alone


i had geography first period.
me and jungkook had different classes - so we had to part ways.
i adjusted my navy bag as i walked through the humanities department. stepping up to the door of my class, I took a deep breath, butterflies swam in my stomach as i turned the handle of the metal doorknob.

i was greeted with a few glares from my classmates as i stood at the entrance of the class, waiting for the teacher to say something.
'wrong class,' he muttered - giving me a judging stare. fuck, did i really enter the wrong class?! my face turned bright pink as i looked at my schedule then at the number of this room. wait, i'm in the right class?

'uh, no sir, this is my class.' i awkwardly walked up to his desk and handed him my schedule - ignoring the glares i was getting from my classmates.

'nobody told me there was a new student joining this class?' he questioned 'have a seat for now, the names mr. lee,' i nodded my head and scanned the room for an empty seat.

the only free seat i could see was at the very back of the class - a mint haired boy occupied the chair next to it. he wore an overgrown sweater and had small hoop earrings, it also look as if he had black eyeliner applied, the type an edgy teen would have.
i guess i have no other choice then?

as i approached the desk i could see him roll his eyes. i tucked the chair out and slipped my backpack on the floor - staying silent.

'don't even think about talking to me, loser' the mint-haired boy gave me the side eye. i ignored him and awkwardly sat there, clearing my throat.

a few minutes went by and suddenly the boy kicked his feet up on the table. i looked at him, annoyed, but i didn't want to piss him off so i continued on with the work.

'feet off the table yoongi; do your work,' mr lee boomed from the back of the class. so his names yoongi? nice to know. he kissed his teeth and violently slammed his legs on the floor, grabbing his pen and pretending to start writing. really, he was just doodling.

i rolled my eyes as about 20 minutes pass, after a while he got bored and suddenly starts flicking his fingers on the side of my head.

i'm gonna go insane...

it went on for about 30 seconds until i decided to speak up, 'can you stop?! can't you see i'm trying to do my work?' as soon as i let out my frustration the whole class turned their eyes towards me. oh no- i've really fucked up.

'what did you just say to me?' yoongi smashed his chair back and stood up. he towered above me - looking down on me as i cowardly whimpered - feeling weak and spineless.

'i-i'm sorry,' i tried to say, but it came out no louder than a whisper. he pushed me roughly, not enough to make me fall of my chair luckily. my face turned a raging red as i tried my hardest not to cry and seem like a wimp in front of him, i was about to burst my eyes into a river.

'min yoongi! stand outside this classroom right at this instant!' mr lee shouted loudly from the front of the room - saving me from my impending doom. the intimidating boy kicked the leg of my chair silently whispering 'you're lucky we're in class, fucker,' as he walked past me and out the door of my classroom. his fist clenched as he bashed his feet on the floor with every step.


wow, what a great day.
i thought sarcastically to myself - walking down the crowded hallway. I'd just finished my detention for being late and was about to leave the building until i realised there was an energetic man-baby running towards me.

why does jungkook always know where i am?

'chim chim!! how was you first day back?' jungkook enthusiastically shouted, letting the whole school know it was my first day. i didn't wanna upset kookie by saying it was a bad day - so i just rolled my eyes and shrugged.

'so it was okay?' he asked with concern in his tone

'yeah... it was normal, i guess,' i said while scratching my head.

'alright: well let's walk home then!' jungkook skipped towards the gate as I followed him gloomily.

we walked together through the front field area heading for the gate until I realized something.

min yoongi. he stood in the middle of the pathway - his bloodshot hazel eyes stared directly at mine - his arms folded.

he was waiting for me.

'w-wait! i think i left my phone in my locker!' i nervously squealed to jungkook.

'oh! let's go back in and-' but before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted with a powerful voice from across the field

'come on jimin! don't be a pussy!' the mint haired boy roared, taking small steps towards me.

my breaths got heavier and heavier; i looked at jungkook who was looking at me - bewildered. 'i- i think we need to run,' i whimpered, but he couldn't hear me.

oh no...

as soon as i could say anything, i saw a hand grasp onto jungkook's neck. veins surged through the monstrous hand as i watched - terrified.

'so this is your little friend, huh?' yoongi grasped his hand tighter - jungkook fighting for a last gasp of breath.

'this is what you get, park jimin.' he laughed - an evil tone sparked in his voice, 'aren't you gonna save your puny little friend?'

i looked at him, fighting back my tears, screaming in my head for this all to just be a dream. blood boiled through my body.

'let go of him!!' I pathetically squealed.

yoongi laughed, mockingly replying with 'or what? you're gonna tell on me?'

i'd had enough. i could see jungkook had started to cry* - and that's what really got me to do this.

i ran over - pushing yoongi away - causing him to release his grasp from jungkook's neck.

'you'll pay for this, yoongi.'

the once evil grin spread on his face had turned into fear. i grabbed the lining of his white sweatshirt and raised my fist.

and that's when i did it,

i struck my fist against his cheek - knocking him to the floor. blood began gushing down his nose as i stood back in disgust.

oh shit.

i looked at my surroundings and realized a crowd had formed around me - jungkook stared at me in fear - his eyes spread wide open.

i- i knocked him out. i didn't know i was capable of such damage...



happy easter!!

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happy easter!!

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