It's Cute!

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Unexpected twist.... Dan's point of view! I didn't even expect this so here it goes...


(Dan's POV)

Me and the boys were making music in the cage today. I love making new music for our fans, it makes everyone so happy. But, today is strange, normally Cam is all happy before writing and recording, but he looked sad, he didn't talk much when we all got up.

"I got some idea's on some new song lyrics"Chris said breaking the silence and he put a sheet of paper with notes on in the middle of the table.

"I made a cool beat yesterday that we could use"Tyler said smiling . He then started beatboxing a sick beat.

"Okay, i'll try and put that onto here and we can work round that" Cam says softly while placing headphones onto his head and sitting at the computer.

Me, Chris and Tyler all sat on the coach letting Cam do what he does. We just sat on our phones ad tweeted until we heard Cam speak

"Erm... Chris can you get me a drink please?"Cam turns around to face us.

""Why me? i got them la"

"GO!"Cam shouted at him and he turned back around to face the computer.

Chris jumped up and shrugged his shoulders at us before going up the stairs.


Me and Tyler turned around to see Cam whispering

"Do you know anything bout Chris and Paige?"He asks with a quiet voice.

"Yeah, I find it so cute how they are flirting with each other secretly" Tyler says

"I totally ship them"I say making Tyler laugh

"Oh... do you know of they are seeing each other?"Cam says looking at the floor

"No, i don't think so, why?"I ask

"Oh no reason" Cam shakes his head.

"Aren't you seeing Shar anyway?"Tyler rolls his eyes

"erm, It's kind of... i just"

"DRINKS!" Chris shouts, while Cam takes his drink and carrys on with the music.


Hopefully i will update soon! If you have any suggestions or new characters just message me.

I'm literally trying to keep my eyes open so i can update this! I'm so tired and i have school tomorrow:(

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