Chapter 24

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Hannah's P.O.V.

There were no other words to describe how I truly felt except that I was unbelievably content. I truly expected the night to be terrible. My ex and my current girlfriend being in the same room together was a nightmare. Being around Adalene again did not help with my mood at all. I  was not expecting Cara to come see me and I was even more anxious about her meeting Adalene. I wanted the night to end. I wanted to just disappear.

The moment Adalene told me that she finally left her husband made me feel completely numb. I've been dreaming of that day ever since we broke up. I would have jumped at the chance to be with her again if I had not met Cara. Being with Cara has made me realize just how wrong my relationship with Adalene was. It wasn't just because Adalene lied to me about her marriage, but also with how the way I was in the relationship.

With Adalene I felt like I had to compromise all the time and do what she wanted so that she would be happy. I ended up becoming just another accessory to her. From what I could wear, to what I could say and even how I should color my hair. I was a representation of her so I had to act accordingly. I was too blind by what I thought was love to see how toxic that relationship was.

Now everything was clearer. I could just be me when I was with Cara. She didn't ask me to become someone I wasn't.   When I saw her walk away after Adalene mentioned that she left her husband, I knew in my heart that I didn't want Cara out of my life. Past Hannah may have dreamed and prayed to be with Adalene again. This Hannah that I was now, knew better. The relationship I have with Cara was a million times better than what I ever had with Adalene. Our beginning had way more promise than what I could ever have with Adalene.

The night ended with something so beautiful and unexpected that it was something I could only dream about. It wasn't just about the intimacy. It was more about Cara finally trusting me. I wanted so bad to have Cara back but she had a meeting with Jack that she couldn't get of.  She was not happy about it and she reluctantly left me alone in the apartment. I think it was the first time I've been alone in the apartment. It felt strange and empty.

I laid my head back on the sofa as I debated what I should do today. Maybe some yoga? Maybe some reading or catching up on some shows? I reached over to grab my phone from the coffee table when someone rapidly pounded on the door.

"Hannah!" Amanda's voice carried through the door.

I got up and opened the door for her and she walked passed me.

"Rude." She placed her hand on her hip and glared at me.

"Excuse me?" I shut the door behind me and stared at her in complete confusion.

"I texted you and left you multiple voicemails," Amanda explained. "I could have died and you wouldn't have known."

"I'm sorry, my phone must have been on silent," I answered.  "What's going on?"

"First of all, do you have anything strong?" Amanda slipped out of her sneakers and walked over to the kitchen.

"Coffee?" I followed her into the kitchen.

Amanda stared at me like I was crazy. "No, alcohol?"

"It's noon," I said in disbelief. "And no we do not have any alcohol."

Amanda stared at me like she was a child and I just told her Santa Clause wasn't real. "Excuse me?"

"Cara doesn't drink and I don't either. It's just wasted calories and I prefer water," I explained.

Amanda stared at me like I offended her. "I'll take that coffee now."  She took a seat by the island.

I grabbed two cups from the cupboard and poured coffee into the cups. "Do you want any sugar or cream?" I handed her one of the cups.

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