Author's notes.

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Hey guys, it's good seeing you all again. I haven't posted a story (or a chapter) in a long long time. There is a reason though. I kinda gave up on the Emily Zabini story because it sucked, and I lost all of my writing with the Divergent fic (I literally wrote loads more chapters but the note got deleted from my iPod) which again sucks because I really liked writing that fic. But, I guess it's time to start a new era.

I've recently become obsessed with Teen Wolf, I watched the whole show in just over a week and then felt withdrawal symptoms so I read a ton of fanfiction, and I fell in love with one specific character; Liam Dunbar. So, I decided to write a short fic about him. This isn't going to be in chapters (probably, yet I haven't made up my mind) and it will probably just be one chapter long once I've finished it, but it will be a long chapter I promise! 

Okay, so the basic plot is that my OC Anna was best friends with Mason for a long time, and Liam came along and then the three of them became good friends. This is set in 4x11 - A promise to the dead, in the scene at the beginning where Liam and Mason are playing video games, and Anna is there with them, waiting for the boys to finish playing so she can study with Liam whilst Mason studies at home. Anna isn't really like me, but I just came up with the idea of her and Liam being quite different, yet still being really good friends.

I've been wanting to write this for a while now because a character I RP as is quite similar to Liam (as well as having the same FC) so I hope you enjoy the fluffiness and cuteness of this as I sure did when writing it. It's rated PG-13 as I don't know how much fluff I'm going to put in there as of yet, but it shouldn't be too bad, because I'm not one of those writers.

{Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Teen Wolf Characters or settings, only Anna.}

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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