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It was crumbling. I could see it crumbling before my eyes as I stood in shock and fear beyond comprehension. I had become as silent as the graves as tears pooled down my face.

"Why show me these visions? Why torture me like this?"

"Oh, my dear boy. I am sorry for showing them to you like this. It is not my intention to make you weep but it is necessary that you see them.

"Why? Why place this burden on me, mother?"

"You are next in line after your father, Ezra. The next frost lord to rule Axilia. I want you to see how much damage one soul could bring to your dynasty. Your father is aged and much worry has blinded his mind so much that he cannot see right from wrong."

"I am but a boy, mother. I cannot change my father's mind. "

"Make him see reason, the woman he will house is nothing but disaster. If you do not want your siblings to be misguided by her, if you don't want Axilia to crumble then you must save it."


"Break the council's rule. You already know your mate is not from Axilia. Find her. Plead with her to save your dimension, make her yours, make her understand the gravity of the war that awaits. Do so, but with kindness. Do not force a soul to do your bidding."

"But the council's rules are final."

"And those rules have been disregarded like the wind for even your father has broken some, if not most of them. Where have they guided your dimension to other than ruin? Open your eyes, my boy."

"I cannot do this alone."

"Gather your army, for I fear that she would not stop at one. She will conquer all dimensions with evil if she is not stopped. Find your mate. I have to leave you now my dearest, remember that I would be watching you from the high heavens. Till we meet again, Ezra."


Her image began to fade as I'd slowly gained consciousness. I felt the dried tear tracks on my cheeks.

"Have you come to your senses, son?" a voice sneered with distaste.
"Father, I-"

"Save your speech for you cannot go against me. You will meet her whether you like it or not."

"No,father. She is disaster. I see it."

"Stop this rubbish! When did you become a third dimension creature? Are you a glore that could see into people's futures?"

His shoulders slouched in defeat.


"Then it is final, you shall meet your new step-mother, Dania."

AXILIA [BOOK1]Where stories live. Discover now