number 002

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After his second death Izuku pretended it was all a bad dream, he knew it wasn't though, he couldn't forget it. The feeling of dying and the state of his sister. When he woke up he tried stopping Mama from sending her off claiming that he couldn't let her go because he would miss her too much, despite him begging for Mama to let Ena stay longer she smoothed it over with sweet but false words, he no longer believed in this Mama. Who would still send her child off knowing what was ahead? Who would let the child they love die?!

From that day on he looked into it more, quickly realising many things. From the bump on his ear to the wall that surrounded them and what was over it.

— ??

When Izuku found himself back in the house alive he was sent into a state of panick, clutching onto the nearest person he woke up screaming, Emma looked at him with worry and attempted to calm the frantic boy. "Emma!" Izuku screamed
"We have to get out of here!!" Izuku screeched his dark green eyes swirling with panic, he was sweating profusely and clenched onto Emma's white shirt. "What's the matter?" Emma said slightly worried for her brother. "Demons! there are demons!! A-and Mama! She's planning something!! We have to get out of here right now or we'll die!" He stammered tears falling from his red cheeks, Emma was utterly confused she had never seen him break down like this.

"Calm down Adel!" She shouted, Izuku froze at the name "It was just a bad dream!" She said trying to reassure the boy "You'll be alright! you're right here with me." She said hugging the boy comfortingly "it's okay now." She said stroking his back. "You're safe, Adel." She said soothingly as Izuku silently sobbed. Drowning away all his worries that day he rested well for the first time in his second life.

— !

Izuku was feeling particularly irritable today, it was a feeling he couldn't explain and he was worrying more than usual. Today was the day of his sister, Connie's "adoption"

He couldn't do anything for her, he knew that well but his heart still hurt for the girl, they had a close friendship despite their age difference and he enjoyed spending time with her, Don and her little bunny she loved dearly.

Well. I suppose it's time I begin my plan.

First I need to get that Ray on my side. I don't know how he found out about the demons and I don't know why he put the bunny in a place Emma could find but I'll find out whether he's a friend or a foe soon enough.

I sat by the window with a frown watching as Emma and Norman ran off to return Connie's bunny. Even though she's likely dead already..

I wonder how the positive Emma will handle this?

Honestly speaking I can't imagine Emma being sad, I just can't. But who knows? After all.. Emma is a child herself.

— ?

When those two returned they had grim expressions and almost immediately I knew that they had saw. I'm not going to make my move just now though, I'd like to work from behind the scenes at the moment, finding out whatever I can then giving them hints.

I figured this was the best way to work considering Mama's watchful eye. It was the best way to avoid conflict. I'm not sure if mama knows though, she could have discovered they were out there considering that they didn't bring the bunny back.

Unconsciously I fumbled with my green locks, a habit I picked up along the way. At the moment I'm planning on revealing what I know to Ray, it's best to just get it out of the bag, I sighed watching Ray who sat near me

"Ray.." I began, hesitating, my mind was full with worries but nonetheless I pushed myself to tell him, I know that it will be risky but if I do this right then it'll increase my chances of getting out of here, and hopefully saving the others.

"What is it Adel?" He asked

"I know." I said, Ray froze looking up at me


"What?" He asked, a trail of sweat rolled down my cheek, I couldn't explain how afraid I was right now, this was an extremely risky move for me.. I don't know what will happen after this. "I know about them."

"The demons." I said

— 😘

How do you think Ray will react??? 👁👅👁

Do you guys wanna see Kacchan, Todoroki and etc in the future? 👀

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Do you guys wanna see Kacchan, Todoroki and etc in the future? 👀

Izuku in Grace Field | tpn x bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now