number 004

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As usual my day began filled with joy and happiness, surrounded by my family, except there was a few things off. First of all Emma and Norman didn't look as happy as usual, Emma's face was distraught while Norman has a smile yet it didn't reach his eyes. I sighed, Norman should be fine but if Emma doesn't get it together.. Phil came running in "Good morning!" The small boy shouted "Phil! No running!" Gilda replied as he came swooping past her, I laughed at the two "Morning Phil!" Phil smiled "Morning Adel!" I watched everyone as they went about, Mama and I were by the table with Mark. "Good morning Emma!" Norman said as he approached Emma, She hesitated slightly before a huge grin formed "Morning Norman!" Emma called out, I smiled 'It's great she's being so calm, after all I'm sure it must be hard learning your siblings and yourself are basically cattle.' I remember how I was.. memories of that time still shake me to the core.. I sighed tiredly rubbing my temples "Is something wrong Adel?" Mama smiled. I turned to her, damnit I forgot I have to stay happy! I can't attract attention right now, giving her my best smile I laughed "I'm alright, Mama!" I smiled, she returned the smile and we all got ready for breakfast, once we were done everyone rushed to their seat and we prayed for a moment before digging in, the food was delicious as always and nothing seemed too out of the ordinary but as of now.. a lot has changed. I wonder how we will go from here?

— 🐷

As we all headed outside I noticed Emma and Norman heading out to the forest, sighing for 3rd time today I face palmed, could they be any more suspicious? I'm guessing they're going to discuss about that matter.. "Why are you hitting yourself?"
I jumped in surprise and turned around "Ray!" I said sighing as he stood there "What are you doing?" He asked "Nothing, I was just watching those two. They're probably going to the wall.." I replied "Yeah." He said, I stood silent for a moment "Ray..."
"I want to let you know that no matter what." I began

"Everyone's going to escape together." I said, Ray stayed silent at this remark, waiting for me to continue "If you don't want that then it's fine, escape by yourself or even with Emma and Norman well if they even agree to leaving our family here, whether you like it or not they're coming, you don't need to deal with it, I'll guide them but if Emma decides she wants to take them, I intend to work alongside her." I said making sure to speak in a low  volume. We wouldn't want anyone hearing this conversation after all. Ray sighed "Alright." This shook me. Hmm? He's actually agreeing? "I figured you'd do this, well.. if you really want that then feel free to. I won't stop you" He replied and I began to smile "I knew you were a nice person Ray!" I said shaking his hand frantically "Let's get along all right?" I smiled brightly, "Yeah, yeah whatever." He said turning and heading back to the tree. I missed the small smirk he had at that moment.

Knocking on the door Ray entered Isabella's office "Anything new?" She asked writing something down "Yes." Ray began "Adel he is..."

Do you think Ray will snitch on our baby Izuku??!!!?

I hope he doesn't! that'd be mean Ray :(

Also my internet will be gone tomorrow idk when I'll get it back :( I'll try update soon tho

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