Chapter 10 The concert

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8:30 p.m Raven's P.O.V

''COME ON WERE GOING TO BE LATE!'' I said. ''OKAY BUT LUKE IS GONNA BE THERE!'' Jessie exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. I picked up my phone. I opened my messages and clicked on Dylan.

TO Dylan: Plz Text or Call me I miss you.

I clicked the home button. I sighed. Jessie walks out of the bathroom her hairs curled, wearing a short tight sparkle red dress with red sparkle heels. ''DAMN!'' I scream. ''Thanks.'' She said twirling in front of the mirror. ''Why don't you believe me that Nash likes you.'' I said. ''Cause I just don't.'' Said Jessie.

Jessie P.O.V

Okay I believe that Nash likes me. But I think Ravens lying. No guy likes me. I'm to nerdy with my glasses.

         I took off my glasses and got up close to the mirror. I bent down and grabbed my contact bottle out of  my purse. I stood up staright and put them in. ''There.'' I said turning around to face Raven. ''You look good.'' She said. ''Thanks now time for you.'' I said.

         ''What? No.'' She said getting up. ''Come on your not wearing skinny jeans and jordans to the concert come on lets go get you a nice smoking dress.'' I said grabbing her arm adn running to her closet. ''WEAR THIS!'' I exclaimed.

''Fine.'' She said grabbing the dress and running into the bathroom. About 5 mintues later Raven comes out in a short tight red sparkle dress and red sparkle heels.

        We were the same clothes alot.  ''Raven curl your hair will be twins!'' I said. She nodded and about less than mintue she came back out with her make up done and her hair curled. 

Raven's P.O.V

Jessie and I are basiclly twins the only difference is that she has blue eyes and I have green. We walked downstairs.

*DING DONG* ''Who's at the door?'' Asked Jess. ''I don't know?"' I asked.

I walked over to the door. I opened it. ''Hey Raven is Taylor here?'' ''I don't know why don't you ask her Taylor.'' I said turning around and walking to Jess.

         He shut the door behind him and walked towards the stairs. Taylor came down the stairs. ''Hey Tay.'' I said. Taylor back up when Tay came down.

''Hey Taylor can I talk to you?'' He asked. ''Not now I have a party.'' She said holding her hand up to Taylor's face.

        ''Please Tay I need to talk to you.'' He said. Tay was almost out the door. She turned around. ''You know what bothers me Taylor. You never even liked my sister. You made me hate her. And I'm not hatting her again. What you did was wrong and I played along.

        Because I did it to be cool. But you know what. I don't care if I'm not cool. Family is family, and I'm not betraying her again.'' Tay said turning back around. She slammed the door. ''GET OUT!'' I yelled. Taylor ran out and slammed the door behind him.

''Wow.'' Said Jess. ''Right.'' I sighed. I grabbed the car keys. We walked out to the car. I got in and put the key into engniston. I drove right to the inside football building. We got early 5 hours before. I drove to the back.

        I grabbed our V.I.P tickets and put mine on. I grave Jess hers. We walked up to the secrity guard. He nodded and let us in.

''CALUM!'' Jess screamed. We walked threw a curtain.

''Jess!'' Said Calum standing up. Calum was hot in person. Like really hot. My phone viberated. I looked at it. New Message-Taylor Caniff. I shut my phone off. I put it in my purse. I threw my purse onto the floor Jess did the same.

Jess hugged Calum then sat down on the couch. ''Hey Raven, you look good.'' Said Calum. He looked at me from my head to my feet. ''She's wearing the same outfit as me dumbass.'' ''Really Jess?" Said Calum being sarcastict. 


               Luke's P.O.V

I was in the bathroom. Checking myself out. Ashton was with me. ''Dude you look fine Raven will think your hot anyway.'' ''Thanks Ashton.'' I said fixing my hair. ''Yeah dude she thinks you hot anyway she told Jess who told me.''

        Said Michael walking out one of the stalls. ''Thanks.'' I said putting my lip piercing in. ''Lets go.'' Said Ashton.

        I nodded and walked out with him to see Raven and Jess sitting on the couch with Calum. Raven was laughing. I started to get nevous.

It looks like Calum beat me to my own game. Raven turned her heads towards me then looked away and then back at me.''LUKE!'' She screamed.

        She ran to me and hugged me. I hugged back. ''Thanks for giving us tickets.'' She said. ''Your welcome.'' I said. He stopped hugging. I sat on a love couch or whatever you call the two seater couch.

         I put my left arm on the couch. Raven sat down close to me. I moved my arm onto my shoulder. She looked at me. Then smiled. I kept it there. 

Raven's P.O.V

My phone turned on in my lap. I looked at it. New Message Matt

Matt:Come over now!

Me:Sorry can't! I'm @ a 5SOS concert! Sorry!

Matt:I'm coming!


Matt:GTG peace

I then shut it off and felt like I was gonna puke. I then ran to the bathroom and threw up!

*Authors Note*

Hope U guys Enjoyed I will do another chapter or will try to tommorow! Love you! Stay stourng and keep fighting whatever your fighting.



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