Chapter 17

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''Well I can't seem to find the baby.'' The nurse said. ''What? No there's a baby. I've puked and felt it kick and this can't... this can't'' I said. ''Yes it can. Look the baby can di-'' ''NO! Don't say that! Its alive I'm telling you!" I screamed. 

        ''Calm down.'' ''No I CAN'T CALM DOWN. I'M LOOSING MY FUCKING BABY! THIS IS TOTAL SHIT!"' I ran out of the room. '

'Come back! Now!'' I ran out of that buliding and locked my self in my car. I started to cry. ''Why... why... why... I've not been drinking how? WHY! GOD PLEASE TELL ME FUCKING WHY!''

        I slammed my arms on the wheel. I drove out of that place fast. I drove to Matt's I need to talk to him he's my only friend right now.


I parked in his drive way and got out of my car.

I rung the door bell like six times.

         He opened it. I started crying and hugged him. He looked at his mom. His mom look confussed.

    He mouthed (Baby). She nodded. He hugged back. ''Its dead.'' I said threw my sobs. I sat down on the couch. His mom was rubbing my shoulders.

         ''I don't know Matt! I just wish I wasn't f**king pregant in the first place.'' I put my hands up to my face and rested my elbows on my knees. ''Its okay. Sweetie you'll get threw this.'' His mom said. ''Look at me.'' Matt said.

''LOOK AT ME!" He said. I looked. '

        'Your going to be fine. I know this sh*t happends. My sister went threw the same thing. I don't want you doing what she did later that day.'' He said. ''Wha-'' He cut me off by kissing me. ''What did she do?'' I asked pulling away.

''She...'' He said. His mom finsished the sentence. ''She killed her self.'' ''Wow. But I'm not going to do that.'' I said. ''Good.'' Matt said.

''I don't know why. Maybe it was that she was failing (p.s his sister was a honor role student never got a B,C,D or F in her life)

         Or maybe cause of bullying or all three. Its just so sad to talk about.'' His mother said. I hugged her. ''Well... I'm sorry for putting this all on you.'' I said. ''Sh*t happends like Matt said. Life f**king sucks but you know! It happends..'' I nodded and walked out the door. 

I opened my car door. ''Can I come?'' Matt asked. ''Well what's its gonna take s*x?'' I asked joking around.

''Not after what happend.'' I laughed and then smiled. But then I stared at the ground for a mintue and then my smile went away. ''Yes you can come.'' I said. He ran to my car and got in.

        ''Every body wants to steal my girl.'' Matt sang with the radio. I laughed. ''Turn there.'' Matt pointed. I was pretty confussed. I drove where he wanted and saw a little blanket.

''Aw... Matt!" I said and kissed him. We got out and walked over.

''I've seen every place and then my heart they took and now I realize there's no were left to look.''

        Sang Ricky Dillon who jumped out of the tree with trevor. They started singing. Nobody. Kian, Jc,and Connor danced in the backround. I laughed.

''I'm telling I don't want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you.. No-nobody but you!'' Matt sang and started dancing to the music. 

I laughed. I recording on my red iphone5c I placed in in a spot on the ground far away so it would get the whole thing.

        ''Nobody nobody but you...'' Matt sang with Ricky and Trevor in sync. ''MATT!'' I sreamed and hugged him!" Man I love that kid.

I then stopped recording and got a text from Jessie.

Jessie <3 BFF!!: OMG!! PROM THIS SATURDAY! BETTER REMIND MATTY BOY! LUKE'S GOING WITH ME!!!! EEEK!! BUT Calum's mad. MAKE OUT WITH HIM!! IT'LL MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER. OMG! SO sorry Calum wrote the makeout part! He's stupid sometimes!
Me:KK!! Tell him...... Maybe....

I laughed and turned off my phone.

''What's so funny.'' Matt asked walked towards the car. ''Jessie.'' I said. He nodded. We got in and drove back to my place...

*Author's Note*

SHOCKERS!! RIGHT?!?!?!?!???!?! 

So on Devils Child! I said I'm having this contest! For this book I'm making! You can be the main girl!!! P.S its a hayes grier fanfiction!! !

        Go check out my last Chapter on devils child at the bottom it has all the info and stuff! But if you have and questions, message me or comment!!! Yeah!!

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