Mating Season [Male Neko/Female Neko Reader]

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Okay, this was requested!
So it might get a little to rated R. Eheh.

>Y/n's POV<
Ah, yes. It is that time of the year where cats and nekos mate. I myself happen to be looking for a mate, and have no luck. Every guy has been taken already and have scheduled with their mates. Currently, I am in my human form, but my ears don't hide.

As I am looking for my mate, I bump into someone. I end up falling onto my bottom.

"Ouch!" I said with a small hiss.

"I apologize!" The male voice said.

"You better be-," I looked up at him and paused my sentences. This is the one I want.

"I really am, here let me help you!" He grabbed my arms and stands me up. He smiles. "All better?"

I was too busy looking at him that I didn't hear him say what he said. He's just so perfect, but he might have a mate. At that thought I frowned and snapped out of it.

"Uh, did I say something wrong?" His ears went down in sadness. Wait, he has cat ears?!

"Oh, sorry! I didn't hear you. I was too busy thinking of stuff." I smiled nervously.

"Oh, it's okay! I was just asking if you were okay." His ears perked back up, and he smiled.

"Ye-," I was cut off by this guy who came up to me.

"Yo, girl. How's it going? You're very pretty." He seductively looked at me.

"Oh, uh.. I don't want you as my mate.." I said to the male neko.

"Come on, you won't regret it."

"Look, the lady said no." The guy from before said a tad bit angrily.

"Who are you? Get out of here you scum, I asked and I heard you. You didn't ask her to be your mate." The other male said roughly.

This guy was up all on me, and what can I do? He won't listen to me, and I told him no several times now.

"Listen here buddy," the other guy grabbed the dude that was all up on me. "Respect her, you horny fuck!" He punched the dude really hard, which cause the other guy to spit and leave.

"Hey, I'm sorry you seen me go there." He said with a sad face.

"It's okay! You saved me from basically being raped." I said and smiled gratefully.

He lifted up his face and looked at me. He came closer to me and touched my face.

"You're very pretty..." he said as he caresses my cheek.

"Uhm..thanks." I said while blushing.

He stops, as if he snapped out of it. "I'm so sorry! I-I don't know what to do about this! I am new to this!" Very flustered, he backs away from me and hides his face.

"My name is Y/n." I said as I grabbed his hand to remove it from his face. "I am also new to this feeling."

He allows me to remove his hand and I list his chin up, and look deeply into his gray eye, and pinkish/purplish eye. I have never seen someone like this. It's kinda hot.

"R-really?" There was some nervousness in his voice. "I uh, so..would you be my mate?" He looks at me while blushing. "I really think you're cute."

I giggle, and look at him again. "What's your name, you silly."

"Oh, oh! Sorry! My name is Kai!" He was so red at this time. He's a mess, and I think that's cute.

"Well, Kai. I would love to be your mate!" I grinned and giggled.

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