Finding the queen

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[They've been trying to find the queen ever since the old one passed away. They have checked every girl in town! They haven't even checked the men yet. Good thing they'll never think it could be me.]

Arthur wrote in his journal. He sighed and put his gloves that hid the marking on his right hand. He got up and went through the alley ways to go to his gang's hideout. He got the feeling he was being fallowed so he started just walking along the alley ways. His body potentially could be in danger, but he could use a spell to keep whoever it was away.

He turned a corner and saw it was a bundle of royal guards. They were the ones responsible for finding the queen. they were also the ones who took him to jail after his gang got in a fight. The second reason is why he started running. They followed him and eventually one tackled him.

" HELP! HELP! THE GUARDS HAVE GONE ROUGE!" He screamed. No one cared though. The guards took off his gloves and earned a backhanding for it. " GET AWAY FROM ME!" Arthur yelled madly. A royal guard picked him up over his shoulder " we have been looking for you queen." They said. Arthur kicked and punched trying to get away " LET GO!" He bit into the guard's arm to the horrible surprise of armor underneath.

" Your going to become the queen. It's your destiny."

" Seems like hell to me..." Arthur said and puffed out his cheeks.

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