hold me so im not falling apart pt.2

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As soon as Garrett appeared in front of him, he couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He fell into him and buried his face in his chest.

Garrett let out a little "ohp" when Andrew unexpectedly hugged him but he immediately wrapped his long arms and held his friend close to him.

"Hey, hey it's ok. You're ok." Garrett tried to reassure Andrew as he rubbed his back soothingly but he was kinda panicking. He's never seen Andrew cry before and he seemed so...distressed.

Andrew clung on to Garrett like he was the only thing keeping him from falling apart right there in the doorway. It was comforting to have someone to hold onto. Someone to hold him and tell him everything is gonna be ok.

Garrett didn't try to ask what's wrong because he knew that Andrew would have a hard time answering him anyway. Instead he held the boy tightly and caressed his back until he calmed down.

Being with Garrett already made him feel a lot better. He felt his breathing start to slow down and his heart rate back to normal. Garrett was now holding up most of his body weight. He was too exhausted to stand and he felt like he can fall asleep right there, standing in the doorway, on Garrett's shoulder. After awhile, he felt strong hands move from his back to his shoulders. He was gently being pulled away from the warmth of the Garrett's chest.

Garrett looked down at Andrew and tried to meet his eyeline but Andrew eyes were blankly looking at his chest.


Andrew slowly lifted his head to meet Garrett's worried eyes.

It broke Garrett's heart to see him like this. His dark eyes didn't sparkle but were instead dimmed with worry and tears. He looked so defeated. How dare anyone make Andrew feel this way? Garrett was ready to use the boxing skills he's acquired from watching Dragon Ball Z on anyone who made Andrew cry. But wait. Andrew was supposed to be at Shane's right now. Has he overworked him to the point he had a mental break down. He's warned Shane several times about overworking themselves. Is it Shane he has to punch in the face?

"Did Shane do anything to you?"

Andrew's eyebrows shot up "Wha- No Garrett, he didn't do anything. Why would you think that?" Well part of it was Shane but that's not something he'll tell Garrett. He can get pretty defensive about Andrew at times and he didn't want to cause any unnecessary conflict.

"Oh, ok. That was a stupid question."
He furrowed his brows in concern, "Then why are you so upset?" He asked carefully like he was afraid he'd say the wrong thing and send Andrew running home.

Andrew felt the lump forming in his throat. "Becau- his voice hitched and the tears threatened to fall again. He didn't want to say it out loud. He knows it won't make any sense to Garrett.

"I- I just...I don't know"

"Andrew, there has to be something. Hey, you can talk to me. I promise I won't belittle whatever it is you're feeling. It must be something seriously bothering you."

Andrew looked up once more and met his eyes. He and Garrett talked about personal things all the time. They often confided in each other and it made him feel better. Garrett didn't judge and he was very wise. But this particular thing wasn't as easy to talk about.

"You don't have to explain to me anything right now actually. Just know I'll be there if you ever do need to talk 'kay Andrew."

He rubbed his shoulders as he was still holding him with both hands strongly. Andrew was so exhausted. He let his head fall forward resting his forehead on Garrett's chest.

Garrett's heart melted at the contact.

"C'mon let's get you some sleep."

hold me so i'm not falling apartWhere stories live. Discover now