tired of missing you

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He was tired of it. Tired of waiting for the next series to be over with. He hates them because it means being alone for several months. Sure, they get to hang out the hour or two if given the chance but it's not enough. It's never enough.

So that's why he's standing in front of him right now, in Shane's driveway, trying to explain his frustrations but the look of confused and hurt on Andrew's face almost makes him reconsider sharing what he's wanted to say for months.

"Garrett, this is my job."

"You don't have to always be here to do your job."

Luckily they're both having this conversation far from an earshot. And he maybe angry at Shane right now but he can't stand it if he knew.

Shane had invited Garrett over to hang out as an attempt to make himself feel less guilty for keeping Andrew away from him. Really far away from him.  

Except the day went like this:

Garrett chilling in the living room with Morgan. Ryland close but not really engaging in their shenanigans. Then Andrew will pop in from the editing room to join them and then it's fine again. But after a little bit Shane will call out to Andrew from the editing room so they can hash out an editing technique. And Garrett is left alone with Morgan and Ryland again. That's sounds wrong and he does love Morgan and Ryland but... that's not why he's here.

"What's the point of me even being here anyway? I drove all the way out here to sit in Shane's living room while you are holed up in the editing room all day?"

"You don't wanna hang out with Morgan and Ryland? Don't you miss them? Don't you miss Uno?"

"No..no, I do. Of course I do, Andrew."

Andrew stared at the man in front of him with his brows knitted in a confused way and he looked so adorable damn it.

"Then why are you leaving." It didn't sound like a question. It sounded like a harsh statement. Like he's tired of Garrett always leaving him.

Garrett sighed and leaned against his car.

"Because...Andrew, I really only wanted to see you."

"You're seeing me right now."

"No- that's not what.." he laughed but it wasn't humorous.

"Gar, just stay. Please. I'm almost done. You can even stay over. Shane has plenty of room. He even asked me to ask you. C'mon"

"Andrew, it's not the same anymore."

"That's the problem. Why isn't it the same anymore? Why can't we all hang out like we used to?"

"Because Andrew, things change okay and
I'm just not comfortable sleeping over. Plus I have to go back to Arizona in a few days anyway. Just tell everyone I said bye."

Garrett opened the door to his Prius but Andrew wasn't done.

"Seriously? You're leaving to Arizona, again?" He said with such disappointment that it kinda tipped Garrett over the edge.

"Yeah...I have to." He responded with a little attitude which scared him because he was never rude to Andrew. Ever.

"It's not like you're gonna know I'm gone anyway when you're holed up in that office all day long."

"Garrett, I work really hard on these videos because I enjoy it. I just don't understand where this all coming from. This series is almost done, then we can hang out all the time."

"Yeah after what! Months? Why does it take so long to work on these videos anyway? Okay, sure, this series will be over soon but then there will be another which is probably even longer. Might as well just live here. I mean you practically already do."

Andrew didn't snap back like earlier. He just remained silent. Mostly because he's startled at how angry Garrett is. He's never seen Garrett angry, especially at him.


"I'm just-" he let out a sigh but it wasn't in frustration, "I'm just tired of always missing you." and that's when the tears pricked his eyes threatening to fall down his cheeks. It's stupid really. Crying over not being able to see your best friend everyday like you used to. Laughing, talking for hours over coffee, chilling in Garrett's tiny home listening to Frank Ocean through the speakers. Feeling content because he was hanging out with someone who he thoroughly enjoys the presence of and vice versa.

But he did miss it. He misses him so much it makes his heart hurt. It makes him terribly sad because it feels like they're running out of time. And most of their time is spent apart and that is just not okay. It's not okay in the slightest, because you should always be with the person you love. Because Andrew makes him so incredibly happy that it breaks his heart to pieces to be away from him for so long.

Andrew has slowly walked over to him. He didn't know what to do really. Garrett dried his tears away with his hands and was already on his way to acting like nothing happened.


Garrett sighed. He felt a little better. He told Andrew he missed him. At least now he knew, right?

"Garrett...I miss you,too."

"Andrew it's fine, ok. It's just- there's a lot going on right now. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

"No it's ok. You know you can take it out on me anytime. That's what I'm here for."

Garrett was always there for him. He's the only person Andrew could talk to about anything. Literally anything. But Garrett is special because he's the only person he trusts with his feelings. Sure they're the silliest people there is but they always talk about their issues with each other. Andrew always listens to anything Garrett has to say and he will give his honest feedback to him. And Garrett is that positive light Andrew cherishes in his life because he makes him believe everything will be okay. And Andrew really needs that in this sad, scary world. He really needs Garrett in this world with him.

Garrett finally entered his car like he intended to before Andrew followed and interrupted him from doing so.

"Andrew, I really have to go, okay."

"O-okay. Just text me. Or call me whenever." he paused before trying to make it sound like he meant it with every part of him."Garrett, I'm sorry."
Because what else was he supposed to say or do? He can't just up and leave Shane to edit alone, but it absolutely broke him to see Garrett so hurt over it that he almost considered it.

"Andrew, really, it's okay. I'll text you."
He backed up into the drive way. "Bye, Andrew."

Andrew could only wave as Garrett drove off and he didn't seem as okay as he said. Andrew stared after the small car until it disappeared down the road before slowly trudging back inside. He felt terrible for not seeing that his best friend was struggling. For not being there for him.

Andrew walked back into the editing room and plopped down in front of his laptop. Suddenly his job didn't seem as important anymore.

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