Queen B

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  "Morning princess." I was awoken by Omie,   I blushed lightly thinking of the dream last night.

"Why are you blushing."

"Um no reason " I tried to lie, key word tried.

"Your a bad liar you know..."

I opened my mouth to say something  but Omar interrupted me.

"And you talk in your sleep you know. " I blushed even harder as Omar laughed at me .

"So who were you dreaming about, me. " Omar said slyly

"Um  no" why do I even try.

Omar's eyes widened and his lips curved into a devilish smile.

"So than what were you dreaming about." Omar asked taking a step towards me while I backed away.

"Um I Um." Dammit he's hot.

"Um, what. " he took another huge step forward while I took my last step  back putting my back on to the wall.

"Ummmmm the weather, is what I was dreaming. "  LIE

"Oh is there a storm named omar." he said steping a little too close.

"Um yes? " I questioned

"Oh really" Omar said pushing me into the wall.

"ummm" that when I made the mistake of looking into those big hazel eyes our eyes locked.

"Your hot" I carelessly whispered

" I know"  omar said his eyes flickering to my lips than my eyes  while biting

his own.

ring ring

I pushed Omar away grabing my phone and put it to my ear

"Hi mommy ....yes... what... why... how long.... whyyyy please no I'll die..  .fine I better get money... okay bye love you too. " I hung up and turned to a pouty Omar.

was he really pouting cause of me?

"My mom told me they're staying all summer now."

"Okay,  want to go on a jog with me. " Omar leaned against the wall in full on running gear. is that way he woke me up, or dose he In joy to make me blush

"Alright just let me get dressed. " with that Omar walked out and I put on my bright pink sports bra, white crop top with the words no "filter on it" and pink booty shorts.

I run down the staries  but quickly slowed down when i remembered i would do lots of  that in a minute.

"Ready" l said putting on my shoes and putting the finishing touches on my sexy messy bun.

"Where are we running to"I asked him without looking up.

  "It's a surprise u coming or what. " I suspiciously let him help me up.

"OK  dont be mad its time yo-"

"Mad about?" my question  lingers in the silence

"Ummm look up."

my face turns red with anger as I stare at the devil  known as Lori. i know I know her name is so sweet and precious but trust me when words come out of her mouth you just want to kill her

"Hi Fucker" (See what I'm saying)

"Hi queen bitch" I was trying my best not to kill the bitch,  key word Trying .

"I may be a Bitch, but I'm not alone like u I'm loved who loves you I bet ur parents didn't even want u."

Lori said getting in my face. that's when I lost it I was on the verge of killing this bitch.

"your ugly as shit do u even take time to look in the mirror or does your ugly ass face brake them all."

I punched her in the face,she fell to the ground with a whimper.I kicked her as hard as I could in the boob the most hurtful place ever, and ran as fast as I could. I'm one of those people who are strong who is unbreakable,

but I not so sure right now I feel alone unloved and unwanted.  I was I tears no one has ever made me shed a tear and this was overwhelming I didn't feel strong I felt broken.

I ran I didn't know where but I ran. I could hear Omar hot on my heels then suddenly I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist

"How could you!? I told you how I felt about that tramp and you didn't listen."

"I'm sorry princess I didn't think it was that serious."

For a long moment it was quite I cried  into Omar's chest it was overwhelming, pain I couldn't handle it.


"It's not true u know." immediately I knew what he meant

"you are not unloved u parents love u and your so beautiful your hazel eyes, your light brown hair, your big luscious lips I'm surprised no one noticed it yet, but you are the definition  of perfection."

I looked deep into Omar's eyes there was truth pain and a dash I love that was hidden in the shadows.

Omie .

"That's why I love you"Omar mumbled  under his breath but it was to quick, too quiet to hear. but I could even though I wasn't suppose to.

sorry guys for the confusion  I'm on winter break and I thought u would love this treat. 


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