Secret #1 Revealed.

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"Bowen! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" Josh yelled from the kitchen.

'Great another day in hell'

I thought to my self. I hated school, I couldn't wait to graduate this year, I know what you're thinking, your'e sixteen how are you graduating! Well that is the perk of being a nerd, I am a year ahead so instead of being in grade 11, I am a senior at Ravens Wing High.

As I role out of bed I put on my black leggings and an over sized knitted sweater, I showered last night so I could sleep in today. After I am done that I pull my hair back into a messy pony tail and put on natural make up. Just so you know I also have to wear glasses... Yipee! Note the sarcasm... They're not that bad though I have glasses that look like the 3-D ones you get at the cinema! But they also add to the nerd factor, shocker. After I am done I grab my Iphone from its charger along with my brown leather book bag.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I over hear Josh talking to some one.

"Dude grow some fucking balls and tell her already!" Mark, Josh's best friend states... Refering to his massive crush on Amber.

"I can't, not yet atleast it has to be perfect." Josh says sighing with a sad smile.

"I agree, you need to tell her we all can see the attraction you two have for each other, man up bro." I said while leaning onto the fridge eating my apple.

Mark agrees with me, while Josh continues staing reasons as to why he can't tell her yet... God brothers. Mark has been a close friend to Josh since before I can remember, he is 17 and captin of the foot ball team at our high school... Hes good looking don't get me wrong, but cocky about himself. He's realy smart, he always states that he has to be to earn a scholarship to a high school, he talks about it non-stop... Him and Josh are actually discussing it at the moment.

"Okay, ladies. I have to be to school early have to talk to Principle Jennings about next semester. So bye J love you." I yelled as I walked out the front door.

"Bye B love you too have fun!"

Yeah because schools so much fun.

I think as I hop into my mini copper. I know what you're thinking, 'Woah, spoiled.' But I actually bought it, not going to tell you how... It's a secret. As I speed of down the snowy road I begin to think, as in why the hell I have to go to school today if Christmas break starts tomorrow? I let the thought slip my mind as I pull into the school parking lot, once I hope out I bump into some one and they spill their hot chocolate all over my black combat boots.

"Ah shit!" I say as I bend over to care for them.

"You should watch where you're going next time princess." I look up to see the drop dead gorgeous bad ass at the school, Mason James. Well built six foot grey blue eyes and scruffy brown hair. He's a god to every girl around here. I have never actually talked to him before or even been in a ten foot radius of him at that matter. But trust me when you get in the way of me and my boot all hell breaks loose.

"Me? Watch where I'm going excuse me ass hole, but you ran into me. So you watch where you're going dick." I say with a rude glare directed to him and only him. I don't know why but I got a feel that this kid won't leave me alone for a while.

I shoved him out of my way as I walked to the school in my now wet boots towards the main office. I can tell that I shocked Mason with the way I talked back to him because as I looked out the front doors he just stood there with a smirk on his face, a sexy smirk that is. No! What the fuck am I thinking I do not think of Mason in that way at all!

"How may I help you Ms. Harris?" One of the secretarys asked. Once I explained that I was here for a meeting with the principle she let me go to her room. All we talked about was the fact that I will be graduating with this year, nothing special. After the metting I thought that there is no way in hell that I am staying in this prison for the rest of the day after all I only have two classes left and I am already done all my work. As I walk out of the school Mason is leaning on the wall with a cigar in his hands, typical bad ass.

"Well if it isn't miss goodie to shoes, skipping are we?" Mason says in a shocked yet sarcastic tone... I roll my eyes and make my way over to him.

"Goodie to shoes my ass." I push him to the wall and put my forhead to his and in the most flirtasous voice I can manage. I look to his lips and back to his grey eyes, that hold passion and lust I start to lean in and as soon as his eyes shut, I grab his cigar and take a drag while walking away.

As I turn my head I send him a wink as I see him with his mouth hanging open.

"Bye babe." I say hopping into my car. Yeah, yeah. This is what I mean, we all have two sides... The side everyone thinks they know and the side we show on occasions. And as for the cigar... I guess you now know one of my many secrets... And we have only just begun.

Authors Note: Douglas Booth plays Mason James(: picture to the side (:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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