My Fake ass bitchass ex friend

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Anyway, not that anyone's going to read this but I'm still tryna vent. Ok so I had this friend who I trusted so much and literally LOVED I would always speak so highly of her all the time and talk about her none stop like literally we could be talking about dogs and I would bring her up and talk about how she's a real friend and how she would never hurt me. my entire life I never had friends and when I did it turned out that they didn't actually like me or they turned out to be fake. Last year I met a group of really great girls and I felt like they genuinely liked me so I was so comfortable being myself around them. It was a small group but I really trusted them, anyway I moved schools this year but we all still texted except two other girls, one of them wrote stuff about us in her journal and it wasn't nice at all and the other one never responded. So M started talking shit about my ex friend P (still my friend at the Time) while She was texting me and I didn't like that so I defended p and I blocked M. Anyway I still had my friend S, D and P (s and p are cousins). Recently I texted p and she didn't respond for LITERALLY a week and I was like what is going on in here on this day so I asked my other friend s why she isn't responding and she LITERALLY told me "p said that she's never going to respond to you and that she doesn't want to be your friend anymore" and obviously I started crying all night because I actually thought she cared about me. I still have S and D tho, S is really nice and she really cares about me but D is low key mean to me and I don't even know if we're going to last. Anyway it was a pussy move of me to cry.

 Anyway it was a pussy move of me to cry

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