The Drug House

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Helen is standing outside of a rundown house in the outskirts of the city. It was starting to get dark, she had called her dad an hour ago and had spent the time scouting out the surrounding areas, checking for any escapes and anything of interest. She had found out that there was going to be a congregation of people here that could know something about the Mafia family currently terrorising the government of Florence.

As far as she could tell all the people that were going to arrive had, and they had the escape routes covered, guards posted along all the roads, however she had spotted that they had started to smoke weed, the smell was unmistakable as it wafted down wind to her. Gaia behind her, lurking in the trees, had snorted and shook her head when she smelt the smoke. The noise would have alerted the men had it not been for the weed they had already used dulling their senses.

Gaia had been walking through the undergrowth, tracking the scents that the men had left, Helen, on the other hand had decided to take a seat on a rock, it had a reasonable view of the forest and road surrounding the house so she could watch for her Dad's arrival and survey.

It had to be a blessing from the heavens that Gaia was in the right place at the right time, Helen heard the conversation through her ears. the people in the house didn't want anyone entering and interrupting them, and they weren't going to leave until they had finished their business. so that meant that the people outside where easy pickings.

Helen decided that she would rather take her time and entertain herself before Will got here so, after a moment to think it over she decided that she would set about picking off the men around the house. The moon was out bathing her stage in its beautiful silver yellow huge as she set about slipping from her perch and walking towards the road she knew her Dad would arrive from.

There were only a handful of guards stationed there, from what she could see five at most, with a silent call she summoned Gaia. The both crept up to the unsuspecting group, the moonlight was not enough to spot Helen in the bushes and she had Gaia walk down the centre of the road, that way she wouldn't make a sound in the undergrowth.

They had lit a small fire in an aluminium dish and were crowded around it even in the lingering heat from the afternoon. They were all slipping into various states of unconsciousness except for one, he stood to attention, looking out down the road for oncoming traffic, not expecting anyone to have already arrived. At least they had the sense to leave someone alert, not that it would do them much good now.

She waited, Gaia standing stock still in the centre of the road, until all the other men had fallen deep into a weed and alcohol induced sleep. Helen knew that she had the strength only to surprise them, Gaia could win the fight but she wouldn't. So, once she was sure a sound below that of a gun shot wouldn't wake them, she began to move again, creeping up to the tree nearest the one alert guard. Gaia lending her the skill to move unheard as she progressed. Once behind the tree she paused for a moment and withdrew a knife from a strap on her back, to call it a knife was actually rather inaccurate, it was the length of her forearm with an engraved design on the blade and hilt. It glinted in the fire light as she pulled it from the sheath, it almost felt hungry in her hand, anticipating it's next meal. With a final swift motion she grabbed him, covering his mouth, and slid the blade in-between his ribs, right into his heart and twisted. Even with her hand muffling the scream of agony it would have been loud enough to wake the men had they not self medicated. Pulling the blade out it dripped black looking blood onto the already jet black asphalt. The man would still be able to hurt her until the mortal wound finally dropped him, so she quickly lifted the blade back up and slid it into the side of his throat and pushed it down, severing any chance he had of making any further noise. The only reason she was able to do this was his already weakened from shock and blood loss.

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