Chapter 7

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I walked into the kitchen at home while stretching after I got ready for the day and smelt the most delicious scent ."Oh?...hey little sister,I was gonna call you for breakfast,but it seems you beat me to it." He said while dishing up."Oh...morning big brother...yeah I am used to waking up early." I said sitting down for breakfast.

My brother sat down after finishing too."Itadakimasu," we said before eating.'It has been ten months since we started working at the restaurant,it was the next year of the year we moved here,in other words the year I turn nine,it was February.

We hired three more helpers,although two work with me in the front,the other one does deliveries and my brother still does all the cooking but I do help him once in a while too' I thought.

"Hey (y/n),I was thinking that you should have a day off today and enjoy,it is a saturday after all and you are young too." he stated."huh?...but what about you guys,you still need all hands on deck!" I said."Look (y/n),I understand you want to work as much as we do,but you are still a kid, so please take a break for today,okay?" he said with a sad expression on his face."Okay,I promise to rest up brother!" I answered while nodding.

After we finished eating I washed the dishes while my brother finished getting ready for work."(y/n)!,I am going now,please take out the trash for me!" said Kioku."Okay big brother!!" I answered still washing the dishes. Then I heard the door open and close again.

I finished the dishes then went to get the trash bag and went outside.I then went down to take out the trash when someone bumped into me in a hurry making me fall to the ground."Hey!,i-i am sorry,it was an accident,ya know!" he said giving me his hand to stand up."Its okay" i said accepting his hand standing up then dusting myself off.

"Huh?...hey your my new neighbour right...uh?...hmm." he said then got deep into thought."Oh hi Naruto,good to see you again!" i said."Yeah...uh?","Its (y/n)!" i said."Oh..right i know,I was just testing if you know" said Naruto scratching the back of his neck smiling and I just giggled in response.

But then I looked at his eyes and they were all red and puffy."Hey Naruto are you okay?" i asked worriedly."huh?...oh..yeah i am fine....anyway i should go." he said turning around to avoid me asking him more questions."Hey wait,where are you going?!",I asked loudly because of the distance that was between us.

He turned around and said "Oh...i am just going home to rest up some more!,I have nothing to do so~!..." he said getting lost in thought again."Why don't we go play in the park together?!" i asked smiling.Naruto then stared at me without answering."Uh...N-naruto?" i said starting to feel uncomfortable."O-oh,s-sorry,its just the first time anyone has ever asked me to play.....haha...ha." he said scratching his head.

"Oh...okay,so do you wanna go?" I asked again."Huh?...uh...y-yeah sure i would love to,why don't we go now then?!" he said happily."Yeah okay,but I need to change first,okay?" I said."Alright,knock on my door when your done,kay?" he said "Okay!" I said running into our apartment.

After I finished changing I went to Naruto's door and knocked "Naruto!!,Come out!." I knocked for a while that i got distracted getting bored of knocking and Naruto opened the door only for me to 'knock' his head five times before snapping out of it "Ow!...ow!..ow!...ow!....OW!!!,(y/n)!!!" he screamed.

"Huh??" i exclaimed snapping out of my knocking trance."Hey!,what was that for?!" Naruto asked loudly while rubbing his head."O-oh,sorry Naruto" i said with an awkward smile while scratching the back of my head. "Anyway you ready to go?" I said moving out of the way a bit ."Yeah let's go!" Naruto answered getting out of his apartment and locking up before we went to the park.

"Hey (y/n),why don't we go to the playground and play there?!" Naruto asked while we were walking."Okay!,sure!" i answered with a smile.We then walked on the path to the playground.

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