The Stars, The Moon, And Her.

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Victoria's P.O.V.

She stared at the stars, her eyes never seeming to leave the sky. She always looked stunning, but right now, in this very moment, she was absolutely breathtaking. My eyes studied every inch of her face as I turned my head and looked up at her. Her sun-kissed skin shined perfectly under the moonlight as she held me in her embrace. The light green blanket wrapped around us as we sat on the somewhat wet grass.
"It's getting chilly, are you sure you're okay?" She asked, her voice like honey as it disappeared into the cool breeze. "We can head back to the car if you want."
"I'm okay as long as you keep being my human heater." I smiled, resting my head on her chest before returning my gaze to the stars. "Are you okay, Clem?" She nodded, giving me a small smile as she rested her chin on top of my head.
"I'm fine, you're very warm." She replied, placing a small kiss on my forehead. "We should leave soon, it's getting late and our parents might get  suspicious." I nodded, secretly not wanting this moment to end.
"Let's stay like this for a while longer," I said, knowing this exact date would be something we would remember for years. Moments passed by and a question that had floated around in my head since we arrived here, slipped out and into the air. "Do you think they know?" Tears formed in her eyes, but she didn't answer my question. I knew the answer, but I didn't dare say it aloud.

The air went silent and her sudden, soft humming filled the air. The song she was humming was all too familiar. "Once Upon A Dream" by Lana Del Rey; a song she would always hum whenever it popped into her head or when she wanted to distract herself. I remember watching Maleficent with her and crying when Maleficent's wings were cut off by the man she thought truly loved her, but he was corrupted by greed and desire and did it only to become king. The movie was amazing, but it made me realize how hard it is to truly find the one. I glanced over at her, her voice filling me with a sense of peace and allowing the stress from today to flow away and disappear into the stars.
"Why did you never join the choir in college?" I asked, listening to the calming rhythm of her heart. "Your voice is amazing." She gave me a shy smile, turning her face away from me, probably to hide the blush that was beginning to form on her face.
"Oh, shush." She mumbled, pushing a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear. "You're just saying that since I'm your girlfriend." I shook my head.
"I only state the truth!" I beamed, brushing the strand of her hair that she had put behind her ear moments ago back behind her ear, only to see it fall out of place, once again. "Your hair never stays in one place... It's almost like it had a mind of its own!" She giggled at my words, forcing my heart to feel like it had skipped a bit as her adorable giggles filled the air.
"Maybe my hair is a being from a whole new world beyond the stars." She exclaimed, releasing her hold on me and throwing her arms, dramatically, into the air. I laughed at her words, not noticing she was staring at me. Her eyes glimmered in the moonlight, making it seem as if all the stars in the night sky had landed in her beautiful blue eyes.

"They might know." She whispered, the air turning colder as the seconds passed by. "We're not supposed to be together, but love is love and I wish this stupid dystopian world could see that. 2018 was an okay year for people like us, but 2102 is absolute hell for people like us." Tears streamed down her face. "I don't know why people can't see we truly love one another." I raised my hand and gently wiped her tears away, stunned by how someone could look so breathtaking while crying.
"I shouldn't have brought it up, Clem, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed before lowering my voice and cautiously glancing behind me.
"No, it's okay. We do need to talk. " She began as I stood up from her lap and sat in front of her. "Will we run away? Will we find a way to live like this our entire lives or will we die in a stupid camp that forces us to change ourselves for homophobic people?" Tears filled my eyes as I realized how serious this whole thing had become. "Our parents are some of the most important people in the city. If we publicly came out, they could easily get rid of any news articles... and us."

(A/n: I've been meaning to say this for a very long time, but I just didn't know how to get the words out properly! I'm bisexual! It's not some trend that'll I'll grow out of, I can assure you of that! It feels good to say it aloud! I've known I wasn't heterosexual for a year now, (Two maybe? I can't really remember!) but I didn't know how to tell you all! I know some of you probably don't care and you just came here for the story and I understand that, but if you do care, thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope you all don't think of me any differently and I know some of you may unfollow me, but I'm okay with that! I'll know that the ones who stay love me for me! Thank you for reading this far and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! ☀️🌈✨💕)

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