chapter 6

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"Just what I fucking needed, the cops." Jimin growled.

"What are we going to do?" Yoongi asked as he was secretly panicking on the inside. He didn't sign up for this. He has a family, a life, friends. He didnt wanna go to jail. Who the hell did?

"We aren't going to do anything."

Jimin responded flatly as his mind tried to consintrate on the road. He didn't want to get into a car crash, not that he feared death or anything really. He just wanted to finish his plan, have fun, ruin lives, make things interesting, turning a game into real life. And he's definitely going to make that happen no matter what, and no damn cops were gonna get in his way.

"What are you gonna do then?"

"I ain't going to do anything either."

Kihyun and Yoongi looked at Jimin in confusion. If we aren't going to do anything and you aren't going to do anything. So who's going to do something! They both thought.

"For right now." Jimin spoke dryly "We have to shake them off our tail. So I survise you both to shut up, hold tight, and let me fucking drive in peice!"


Seoul S.N.N Swat team barged into a red 16 story building. Guns loaded as they marched up the stares to the 7th floor.

Move in Move in!!

The deep voice yelled through the intercome. 5 swat men waited outside the apartment door for the signal to go in.

"Is this really needed?" Jungkook questioned as he stood directly behind men in all black tech gear with guns fully loaded. "Really a damn swat team. It's not like he's a terrorists."


The male in the front throws up a sign with 2 fingers moving in towards the door entrance. Seconds later the apartment door 7d was busted down. Uncovering a bloody floor with a dead women.

"Terrorists?" Hoseok spoke looking down at the body. "Nope. A total psychopath."

Jungkook stood on the side of the rooms couch next to Mr. Bogum. He looked at the dead ladies body. Her head swimming in a pool of blood.

"She was shot straight through the head." Jungkook stated.

"Good damn aim if I do say so myself." Taemin intruted. "He was taught well." Taemin mumbled the last set of words. But no one caught them. Or at least paid attention to them.

"I'm afraid I have to agree with you on that one."

"I can't see how you couldn't Jungkook. But anyways work your magic. But first, I have a question. Which personality do you think did this?"

"Jimin. A quick painless death."

"Okay." Hoseok enters the chat. "But why would he kill Chong Ji-eun or known as Yeri Lee. Wasn't she a helper in his plan or something."

"Yes but-"

"But what?"

Jungkook points to the entrance door where 3 men stood dressed in black and white. One were shades his head moving in different directions until his gaze landed on the 3 detectives and Director.

"What the hell is Interpol people doing here?" Bogum said seriously announce written between his words.

The 3 mysterious men walked over to Jungkook and the others. The man with shades stepped to the director. He flipped an object out which Jungkook assumed was his bage.

"I'm Minho Lee and I'm now incharge of this investigation which is now being tooken over by me and my squad."



"JIMIN slow the hell down!" Kihyun shouted as they barely missed a bus from hitting them due to speeding.

"Hell na!" Jimin yelled back "This shit is too damn fun. But I have an idea for something funner!"

"What's that!" Please don't be a gun. Please don't be a gun. Plaese dont be a gun. Yoongi pleaded deeply in his mind his seat belt buckeld tight as he held on for dear life. 



"Reach under your seat and on the left side there should be a shot gun. Hand me it."


"Don't question, just do." Jimin spoke coldly.

"O... Okay." Yoongi inhaled then exhaled as he unbuckled himself from his seat. He slowly reached down under the seat on his left. His fingers wrapping around a large object. He tighten his grip pulling it free. Who the fuck puts a gun in a car? Yoongi thought. Okay, its okay we'll be fine. Jimin knows what to do. Yoongi sighs deeply. "Got it."

Jimin throws his right hand backward infront of Yoongi. "The gun."

Yoongi quickly hands Jimin the gun wanting to buckle up his seat again. Jimin nods towards Kihyun a smirk breaking across his lips.

"What's that look for Jimin? I don't like that look."

"No one does." Jimin states rolling down the window. "Now take the wheel."

With out a seconds waist Jimin climbs out the car through the window. His body halfway in, halfway out. His butt sitting in the window frame as he aims the gun towards the police car. While Jihyun an inexperience driver is driving the car. 

"You got to be kidding me." Youngi growled "27 years old yet you can't drive!"

"Shut the hell up I'm trying to focus on driving!"

"Driving? You can't fucking drive your worst then Jimin. Your totally gonna kill us all!"

"Yeah well, you wanna blame someone blame Park fucking Jimin for this idea. It was either crash or grab the wheel!"

"Crash! The way your going we'll be heading that way!"

"Shut your fucking mouth and stop fucking talking before I purposely make us crash!" 


"They can't do this." Jungkook looked at the man in black and white with shades as he and his squad observed the dead corpse.

"They can" Mr Bogum said "and they just did."

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