Chapter 1.

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First chapter.

*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

*Hits snooze button*

"But I keep cruising can't stop, won't stop moving"

*answers phone*

"RIZZY WAKE UP! I know you haven't gotten out of bed yet. Hurry up and get ready. do you know what today is?"

"What? Chrissy, I just woke up. What are you talking about?"

"Oh my gosh CARRISA! Today is when we find out who is in homecoming court! get up. NOW. And get ready. you have to look good if you get called."

"If? IF? IF? I get called?! We all know I will be. So I gotta go get ready. Bye Chrissy!"

*Hangs up phone*

I get ready in a pair of black leather skinny pants, a gray shirt with an elephant on it, a creme cardigan, and black leather combat boots. I put on minimal make up, but doing heavy eyeliner and mascara (to make me green/blue eyes pop). I loosely curl my hair and put it to the side. I grab my bag and keys and head out to my car.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

*At school assembly*

"Okay guys, it is my pleasure as your principal to announce the home coming court for the juniors!

First we have, Chrissy Barith, then we have Tristan Frigt, and last for the girls but not least, Carissa Glates-Wood! And for the boys, we have Harry Styles, Niall Horan, and Ashton Irwin!  If I called your name, please come down so you can accept your flowers."

I walk down the bleacher stairs flawlessly and meet my boyfriend Ashton and my best friends Chrissy and Tristan at the bottom of the stairs. Ashton grasps my hand and I see him smirk at me from the corner of my eye. we walk over to the other guys and Ashton high-fives them all and we congratulate each other. We accept our flowers while the seniors are being called, and we go back up to our seats. At the end of the assembly we are dismissed to go home.

"Hey Rizzy! What are you doing tonight?"

"Um, Luke? What do you mean? I'm going with Ash to go see a movie or something. Why?"

"Oh, nothing... Just wondering if you could help me 'study' " *wink*

"EW! NO! Luke! What would Ashton think one of his best mates asking me that? Um, no. BYE."

What the hell? me and Luke dated years ago... yes we hooked up last time me and Ash broke up, but what in the hell is going on. I need to talk to Ashton. like now.

*Calls Ashton*


"Hey, Ash... its me Riz... Can we meet up? like NOW?"

"Um, sure baby. where at?"

"I guess my car. please..."

"Uh, ok baby. I'll be there in like 30 sec. "

*Hangs up*


Please vote and comment. This chapter is probably confusing. I apologize. If you have questions ask them in the comments and I'll do my darndest to answer them. If you have helpful, instructional, criticism please feel free to comment. thank you

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2014 ⏰

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