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Ring. Ring.

Oh no. Not the bell. I wasn't ready for the bell!

I froze. Watching student after student crowd the hall. There was no way I was getting out of here alive..

"Crap." I mumbled after being shoved in my shoulder. Which by the way, made me drop every single one of my textbooks. Which had all of my homework inside... I'm screwed...

Ring. Ring.

No!! Not the bell! Now I'm going to be late for class!! I looked down at all of my papers and books scattered across the now empty hall.

"My homework!" I thought out loud.

Okay, yeah, I'm a huge nerd and I HAVE to be on time all the time . I'm not ashamed of my ways. At least I know I'm getting somewhere someday.

"Hey you need help?" Uh oh. That voice sounded familiar. To familiar for my liking. I looked up, only to see the schools bad boy, Jason Trucker. Wait..

Why would he want to help me? He's the schools bad boy. He's not supposed to help people... Especially people like me. This made no sense to me whatsoever.

"Uhmm.. No I'm good. Thanks." I managed to mutter.

"Well, Kayla, I have a question."

Wait! He knew my name?! OMG! Okay keep cool , "Y-You may a-ask.." I stuttered .

Wow way to keep your cool Kayla...

"What'd you get for #27 on your science homework?" He smirked.

Was he only smirking because of my horrible, awkward, and miserable stuttering? I don't know... Why should I even care anyways? Right, because I'm Kayla Grace.. I care about every awkward situation. Which isn't healthy...

Right.. My homework .. I held up the miserable piece of paper that had been trampled on by many students in the hall. "Sorry..." I muttered.

Without thinking, I ran down the hall... Literally... I ran away from him..! What was I thinking?

Obviously I wasn't thinking at all.. Duh.

I heard footsteps behind me.

No. He wouldn't. "Hey! Wait up!" Wait, that wasn't Jason's sexy, deep voice.. That was..

"Kayla you run like a turtle... You ready for class?" To my suprise , it was my best friend Sam. She put her one available hand on her knee while she was panting like a dog in the summer.

Ugh! Why can't anything nice happen to me? Something like in the movies. That would be nice. But that would also be unrealistic. All I wanted was for Jason to come back so I could at least try and help him on number 27! And maybe so I could look at his pretty face some more...

"Yeah.. Sorry.. Hey wait. Why are you still in the hall? Why aren't you in class?" I questioned.

"Same reason as you. Anyways, what was that all about? And why were you running?" Sam asked, concern in her tone.


I have no idea.." I said, looking at my feet.

I wasn't lying. I had absolutely NO idea what just happened... It was all so cliche. But then again, it wasn't. I'm confusing myself... Maybe Ja-

"Hey are you coming?" Sam interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up to see her already half way down the hall! My bad.. I had to speed walk to catch up to her. And it was not easy... That girl was fast!

Sam was just like me. A nerd. And she was okay with that. Especially because her smartness makes her extremely witty. It's pretty hilarious how she can out-smart anyone who tries to run in her lane. But when it was time to go, it was time to go. No "buts" about it.

While we left for class, I kept scanning for Jason. (Which was useless may I tell you.)

As you would expect, no one was there ..

What was I thinking?

There's no way the bad boy would ever chase after me... Ever.

Chasing The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now