Story of Her Devotion

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The old lady sat down and took the bowl full of flowers and half-stringed garland which was laid beside her, after attending her grand child Aradhya who just came back from School.

"Dadi, I want your help. I have to write a story about Devotion. Please tell me something related to that.", Aradhya voiced sitting near her Grandma.

"Story about Devotion?... Okay, don't worry. I'll tell you one." Grandma replied with a smile.

"Once Prince Arjuna and Lord Krishna got into some conversation regarding bhakti. After arguing in that topic for so long, Krishna wanted to make Arjuna realise what true bhakti means. So he decided to take him to a small village near Indraprastha." She started narrating the story.

Aradhya nodded, her eyes widened with excitement.

Grandma continued the narration while stringing the flowers.

"They both disguises themselves as two young girls and travel to that village.

On reaching the village, Krishna showed Arjuna a small hut.

This is the place where my devotee Pingalai lives, smiled Krishna.

Krishna knocked the door. A old lady appeared from the other side of the door.

On seeing the two young ladies, Pingalai questioned them who they are.

"We are travelling to a nearby town. We both got tired and have a very long journey ahead. So please, if you don't mind, can we take rest here for sometime." asked Krishna, in a calm tone.

"Oh! I've no problem. You both can come inside and take rest." Replied Pingalai and led them two inside her hut.

She provided them some fruits to eat.

Arjuna noticed three swords, in different sizes,below the painting of Lord Krishna. He got confused and asked Pingalai about that.

"I am having these swords to kill my three enemies.", She replied.

"Who are they?" asked Krishna, with a knowing smile.

"The small one is for Sudama." Pingalai replied.

"Sudama? He is Lord Krishna's friend!" exclaimed Arjuna.

"He may be. But he gave my Kanha Flattened Rice to eat. His Lips which always tasted smooth butter got hurt very hardly because of this hard rice. In the name of bhakti, he made my Lord to eat this. I wouldn't spare him for that." replied Pingalai.

Arjuna was shocked hearing this.

"Then, for whom another two swords are for?" asked Krishna, winking at Arjuna, who is still shocked.

"The middle sized sword is for Draupadi and the large one is for Arjuna.". This reply of Pingalai made Arjuna to exclaim with shock.

"Why so?" he barely letted out these words, still immensed in shock.

"Draupadi made Krishna to send her long vastra to Hastinapur from Dwaraka while she was disrobed. If Dussasana fell tired of the continuous dragging, how my Kanha would've felt being in the other end! I'm sure his hands would've pained. How could she do like that?.", she replied blankly.

Arjuna couldn't digest what she said and smiled wryly at her.

Krishna again winked at Arjuna and asked her, "Then for whom the large sword is?"

"It is for Arjuna, the great archer." She replied.

Arjuna widened his eyes hearing that. He couldn't react. He rubbed his forehead. Suppressing his emotions, he asked her the reason.

"He made Krishna as his charioteer, that too in the war. As if there is no one to do the job other than my Kanha. Holding the harness of the horse, Kanha's hands and fingers would've experienced so much pain and his fingers and palm will be reddened by it. This is all because of Arjuna. So this is for him. I am sure I'll see him atleast once in my life time. So I'll use this to kill him.", Replied Pingalai with some rage, which made Krishna to chuckle.

Arjuna couldn't be in the place and he did not like to be, in fact. But Krishna had other plans.

"Mata! Sudama didn't had any other options. He had nothing but flattened rice. He gave what he had, with pure love and devotion, for his Kanha. There is no wrong in it. So please forgive him and remove that sword." Said Krishna, with a slight smile.

Pinagalai did as she was told.

Krishna continued,"It is true that Krishna felt pain as he gave clothes to Draupadi. But saving her dignity is above all other things. Nothing comes first for a woman than her dignity. So she acted accordingly to save her dignity. Isn't it the prior duty of the Lord to protect his devotees? . And so, He done that. So please forgive her."

Pinagalai threw another sword down.

"I would've forgiven everyone, but not this Arjuna. Because of his selfishnes he made Kanha to be the charioteer. I wouldn't forgive him. So the sword may lay there itself.", said Pingalai, much to Arjuna's worry.

"I agree with this." Said Krishna, laughing at Arjuna, making Arjuna bewildered. "But, it was possible because Arjun won Krishna's heart and thus Krishna knew no pain in doing the role for his friend. If you kill Arjuna, Krishna will be left with no friend. Krishna will suffer without Arjuna. If you don't want Krishna to suffer, please leave Arjuna too. " Krishna said, while smiling at Arjuna.

"I can accept anything but not sorrow or pain for Krishna. I don't want anything in my life, not even mukthi, but Kanha's happiness. His happiness matters everything to me. I won't do anything that gives sorrow or pain to Kanha. So, I will throw away this sword too.", saying so Pingalai threw the sword.

Arjuna heaved a sigh of relief.

They left the place thanking and taking the blessings of her.

"Krishna! Now I understand what true Devotion actually is.",saying so Arjuna took the blessings of Krishna."

Little Aradhya listened to the story narrated by her grandmother carefully.

"This story taught me the meaning of Devotion dadi.", saying so Aradhya silently prayed to the Lord.

'Thus, true Devotion implies selfless service to the Supreme with love and dedication. Bhakti comes from within the heart, the residence of Love. It is faith in the Supreme and in oneself. ", said Grandma, indicating Aradhya to adorn the Statue of Lord Krishna with the garland, she weaved in this time being.

The statue of Lord Krishna smiled accepting the garland.

A/N: This is one of my most favourite story which I heard from my Grandmother. I changed the original plot and reconstructed the story accordingly. I hope you all like it. Please Vote and Comment your views.

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