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"Hey! Little Kid! What are you doing in a dark alley like this?"

"I'm not scared of you!" Sakura shouted

"Oh really?" Said the men in black as they pulled out their knives and guns

"I'll say it again! I'm not scared of you big meanies!" Sakura shouted

The men grabbed her 5 year old arms and pinned them on the wall. They put a gun to her stomach and gave her a look that spoke 'You shouldn't have said that'

" And what are you gonna do? Call your mummy!?" One of the men said. The others laughed.

'I'm only lying.. I'm so scared.. I just wanted to be cool, like those other kids who had quirks..' Sakura thought to herself

(In Sakura's mind)

Oi little Kid, mind if I take over?

'Who are you?'

Wouldn't you like to know? I'm the better version of you

'Better version?'

I can give you a quirk.


Really. You up for it?

'Is it a bad quirk?'

No, of course not. Now what do you say?


Thanks kid, you won't regret it'

(Back in real life)

"Oi, little girl, why you ignoring us?" One of the men grunted, pushing the gun further into Sakura's stomach


"Talk, rat!"

"Who you calling rat?"


Something inside Sakura changed. She kicked the man away and grabbed the gun. She pointed it at the men but instead of being scared they laughed.

"Do you even know how to use that? Someone of your age is too young to-"

Sakura shot a bullet that just about missed his head. Instantly, he put his hands up and so did his comrades. To take it a step further, Sakura did something she thought she would never. The shadows around the men moved around them and encircled them, tying them up.

'Kid! What happened to your eyes? Why is one red!? What's going on-"

"Shut it! Now.. how about a little payback? Oh, and before I kill you all, how about you all know my name" Sakura approached one of the men and whispered in his ear

"The names Kuroko"

And everything turned, red.

The Dare / Kirishima x OC ||discontinued||Where stories live. Discover now