Chapter 2: All about HER

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This time it was different.. Fate seriously tested these two.. Is there a possibility Destiny will not let them meet this time? Both from two crazy sides of the world. Her in reality, Him Living his reality, but in happens to be a mythical world to her. Will they accept each other or push each other away?

Her name came from a Greek origin meaning song. Melody stood as majestic as the wind that flowed through her long dark locks of hair. Her lips beautiful and plump, nicely colored with her pretty Red Velvet shade of lip stain on. Her eyes a mystic dark brown, looking almost like the night sky. Her eyelashes long and full. She had been an orphan since she was 12 due to an accident, causing her parents death. Them being wealthy, had left Melody money. Unfortunately Melody was only able to receive the money when she became 21.

Every house she had been living in as a kid, treated her like crap. All just taking in as many kids as they can, looking at each kid as a paycheck. Needless to say, Melody ran away from her orphanage at 16. She wanted to be something more. She knew she had more potential than being nameless and waiting for a miracle. That was a fantasy, and Melody knew better than to believe in such mythical stories when it came to real life. She was a practical and logical thinker.

Her personality has always been rather straight forward. Each season was hard for the girl who lived on the street. She would have to steal food from the market. Her favorite thing to steal was warm, freshly made bread. One day Melody got caught in the market stealing the bread. As she had turned to get away, a woman caught her. When she seen the state Melody was in with her ragged, ripped clothes, messy hair, and dirt all over she decided to pay for Melody's bread and take her home to clean up.

This lady was literally the sweetest woman in the world. She had clothes that belonged to her daughter in the closet and ran a bath so Melody could wash up. After her bath she changed, ready to dart out of the house because she was scared she was going to be forced to stay, Melody's stomach began to rumble due to hunger. AS she ran down the hall a delightful smell brought her down a whole new hallway away from the door. As she got closer and closer to the smell that enriched her senses she came to some double doors. Nervously she opened them and instantly seen a long table filled with foods of all types.

At the head of the table sat the amazing woman that caught her in the market. She invited Melody to sit and eat beside her. Melody declined as she stood next to the lady. But, as her stomach growled loudly the lady laughed and told Melody that her stomach clearly disagrees. They both laughed and Melody sat down joining the lovely lady. Over dinner, they slowly began chatting. The lady beginning by officially introducing herself as Big Momma. Melody's face squished in confusion at the name. But then Big Momma kept going to further explain the name.

BM: I got my name because of 2 reasons. 1.) I was a mom. 2.) I'm the leader at my job. So the Big comes from the phrase Big Man on Campus..

Melody's face then turned to the hmm. makes sense kind of face. Curious Melody proceeds to ask.

M: I'm sorry but you said used to be a mom? What happened?

BM: Well.....

Big Momma had started off but then decided it wasn't the right time to continue with the story.

BM: How about we talk about that at a later time dear? Right now, tell me about yourself, your parents, your home life, etc.

Big Momma noticed a change in the way Melody looked.

M: I don't have parents. My home life was bouncing from uncaring foster parents and orphanages to another. I hated it so I ran away. The system tried to find me, and did, but I was already 16 when they did. So, they couldn't really do anything since most kids get booted from the system at that age anyways.

Big Momma looked at Melody in complete shock.

BM: What happened to your parents?

M: They, were was an incident. Or accident. It doesn't matter no one believes me when I tell them what I saw at 12. They always say its my wild imagination.

BM: Tell me. I bet I'll believe you.

Melody looks cautiously at Big Momma. She seemed friendly, sweet, the perfect mother material. However she really only had known her for about 5 minutes to be telling her, her life story. But then proceeded to doing so, thinking what would it hurt telling a perfect stranger about her dead parents.

M: When I was 12, I was in sports during my 6th grade year. I came home one day after practice and seen this boy a year or 2 older than me. He was drinking the blood from my parents. I screamed and he turned towards me ready to come after me, but someone... Idk who, stopped him.

BM: *nodding* So it was a vampire?

M: See just like everyone else, I knew you wouldn't believe me.

Melody got up walking out of the room and Big Momma followed after her grabbing her hand to stop her.

BM: Melody, I believe you. Let me show you something so you'll understand about my daughter too, and more about me.

Melody nodded following Big Momma into a hidden elevator behind a normal looking bookcase. Big Momma pressed the down button and the elevator began to move. Soon opening to a whole new room. Filled with weapons, gear, fighting mats and equipment, and in one section was a whole wall filled with newspaper articles. Articles about "chosen ones" with special skills who defeat creatures of the night, creatures from horror stories. Melody came across an article about her and her parents. Circled on the paper was the bite marks on her parents necks.

BM: These two cases, yours and mine is what started all of this. The training, the hunting, the need to get revenge, drove all this into existence.

M: I'm still confused as to what all of this actually is.

BM: This is the Hunters Den. For learning to hunt, fight and annihilate vampires, werewolves, demons, pretty much all the "mythical" beings from your horror movies and stories.

M: So, a vampire really killed my parents?

BM: Yes, one did.

M: What can I do to get my revenge?

BM: You can be my adopted daughter. Stay and live here, train, go on patrols, and take down any demonic being in the process. But, WHEN you find yours you'll know. There will be something about it when you meet him. I still have yet to find the one who took my daughter.. But, hopefully soon.

M: Let the training begin.

That's how everything came to be. That's how Melody grew up to be tougher, stronger, more flexible physically and mentally. Being raised by Big Momma from 16 to today brought new insight to Melody's personality. Along the way Melody made friends who to this day have become her sisters. Helping Melody on her patrols, being a part of the action. Today was different.

Today marks her 24th birthday, and she is super excited to be going out with her sisters. When Melody turned 21 Big Momma had told her about her inheritance and helped her to claim it. Melody, being the caring girl she was offered some to Big Momma, who instantly refused. A year later Melody decided it was time for her to have her own space. She stood in her room in the house she had bought at 22. Looking at herself once more before hearing a honk outside. Quickly she added the gloss over her lip stain and left the house after locking up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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